Legit thinking to reply with a “I am not husbando material, sweetheart”

  • @aleshasmiles
    311 year ago

    Saying shit like “neoagitprop is gaslighting you” and then telling you to touch grass is fucking hilarious. Terminally online behavior

    • relay
      141 year ago

      what is neoagitprop? is that just not agitprop? Which is kind of just regular propaganda that all politics in all societies have ever had. Is it the video medium or just books? I don’t follow what that means.

    • @CannotSleep420
      251 year ago

      They actually meant cr1tikal thinking, which is when you get your options spoonfed to you by e celebs.

    • @Lemmy_Mouse
      201 year ago

      It’s not supposed to make sense, it’s supposed to fuck with you. Then when you react, they get a path to go down to make traction. They’re blind and looking for answers as to how to criticize us as they have found none within their own abilities. These people have a 100th the intelligence you believe they have

  • @Mzuark
    271 year ago

    Wait are we fake commies? I thought we were just unironic commies and marxies.

  • KiG V2
    241 year ago

    “Who hurt you?” and “Please get help” are the c***iest, cruelest, most laughably insincere shit people say.

    Like, even if this was directed at someone who was severely hurt and thus fucked up and thus needed help as exhibited by their behavior…okay? Saying these things as an insult does nothing even for truly terrible people. The fact that “tankies” are some of the most pro-human people by default is an entirely different discussion. God people who talk like this make me want to be a serial killer.

  • @Lemmy_Mouse
    171 year ago

    Hmm…looks like they went full circle back around to just shotgunning insults and buzzword-laced unfounded criticisms hoping something sticks. With a bit of mystique of the unknown to add a flair of authority to their argument (“neoagitprop”) lol liberals never change.