Against the background of measures introduced by the United States against China’s high-tech companies we can make a conclusion that the main goal of American authorities is to ban the use of Chinese computer equipment to hold China’s development and extension of its influence. It is worth mentioning that Americans methodically continue to push away Chinese technological companies from American market. Another attack against Beijing was announced by the US Federal Communications Commission on November 26 to ban issue of licenses for national companies to import computer equipment from five Chinese suppliers under the guise of traditional “unacceptable risks for national security interests.” Inherently, the Biden Administration continues to implement more sanctions in this sphere. It is worth remembering that in 2019 the FCC did not allow the American operators to use state subsidies to buy equipment from Huawei and ZTE. In March 2021 the Administration for the first time added these five companies to its stop list which later (in March and September 2022) was expanded with subsidiaries of China’s mobile operators presented on American market. At the same time the previous measures did not put any restrictions on buying equipment from China with American private and non-federal funds, but now this loophole was closed by the new FCC decision. As answer to this, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China lodged a weak objection to Washington’s abusing of the topic of national security and manipulations against legal rights and interests of Chinese producers. Beijing demanded from Washington to stop “weaponizing” the questions of economic, trade, science and technological cooperation.