I have too much free time, so I was just wondering how in the future we will approach moderation. though we are small, I have noticed ZERO problems so far, so thanks to our current mods.

I noticed this site doesn’t require an email, so it could be easy to attack the site. on the other hand, this helps with privacy. thoughts?

  • @RandomSovietKid
    24 years ago

    The documentation says that account registration is limited to 1 per hour. So, a single person creating lots of accounts would not be an issue. Maybe if lots of people (imagine something like a far-right campaign against us) would be creating accounts for malicious intents, that’d be more difficult to deal with. But it take more time to write a malicious post (also, posting is limited to 1 post per 10 minutes) than to delete one, so I think the mods can still stop it.

    E-mail would help if we didn’t let people register multiple accounts with a same e-mail as an already existing account. But the downsides to privacy make it not worth it, in my opinion.

    As you said, right now there are no problems with that. There was an influx of trolls onto the /c/antifastonetoss community, but the admins banned them all quickly.