Home grown peas, beans, zucchini with homemade Novick burgers and store bought hummus, cheese, and rice crackers.

  • trolololol@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Genuine question, do you eat the whole pea pod or do you peel or remove any bits? I’ve found so much fiber that I couldn’t swallow.

    Same question for the beans, they were so hard to chew that I was 3rd guessing myself.

    • Arcanepotato@vegantheoryclub.orgOP
      3 months ago

      This is a very much a personal preference!

      The beans in this photo are cooked. I snapped off the tips which is where the most of the “string” is. I find the variety of the bean makes a big difference, and of course the age. Some beans I would never eat raw (taste is a factor too!) but some are tolerable. This one is okay, but I prefer them cooked. They are a variety called Maxibel and they are known for being tender. This is my first time growing them.

      The peas here are raw, and were selected for this plate because of their tenderness. I will typically eat them all except sometimes the very tip where they used to connect to the plant. You can see the little stem on some of them. My partner will pop many of them open and just eat the pea, like edamame.

      I try to pick peas when they are still able to be eaten in the pod because they are the most delicious at that point in my opinion. At this point in the season they are maturing really fast so we end up shelling the majority of the peas coming in now and cooking the shelled peas.

      Variety plays a part here too. I typically grow three varieties:

      • Dwarf Grey - very much meant for eating in the pod but you can let them get bigger and eat as shelling peas. I did not have success with them this year because I planted them in a less protected bed and the tips got eaten. They are just flowering now.
      • Alderman Tall Telephone - these are intended for shelling and make beautiful thicc pods. I’ll still eat them raw and in the pod when I can!
      • Alaska peas - also intended for shelling but sometimes I just really need to taste the peaness and pick them while still tender.