• @cayde6ml
    161 year ago

    China could fucking cure all +200 kinds of cancer, solve world hunger, end homophobia and transphobia, clone goddamn Dinosaurs Jurassic Park-style, prove the existence of the multi-verse, get me out of jail because of that Dolphin incident I was involved in at Sea World, and walk my Komodo Dragon and talking Ball Python, and these cracker piece of shit motherfuckers would still be screeching about “muh Wee-jerk camps!”

  • Absolute
    151 year ago

    Gonna have to toast a drink this weekend to all of the poor corporate profits that have fallen victim to the Blunt Force Regulation 😔

  • Water Bowl Slime
    121 year ago

    We all better watch out for those evil authoritarian blunt force… environmental regulations!! 😱😱😱

  • @201dberg
    101 year ago

    CPC: We will put an end to capitalism pollution of our air, water, and land.

    Capitalism: Noooooo, what about our profits?!?!?!?!?!? We need the people to be living in poison FOR OUR PROFEEEEEEIIIIIIIIITTTTTSSSSS😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

  • @Leninismydad
    101 year ago

    This might be shitty but anyone with the last name Van der Kamp gets ignored immediately

  • @BenEarlDaMarxist
    101 year ago

    If this is what authoritarianism looks like, I’d want that.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
      111 year ago

      Authoritarianism is one of the dumbest ideas that people in the west internalized. Every government has authority by virtue of having a monopoly on violence. The government controls the police and military forces and it’s the only entity that has the legal power to enact violence on others. This is just as true in western “democracies” as anywhere else. The idea of authoritarianism has been very effective at driving left leaning people into a roach motel called anarchism.

  • @supersolid_snake
    91 year ago

    not being able to breathe the air… Freedom

    being able to breathe…tyranny

    • @Shrike502
      61 year ago

      Remember those books and movies and whatnot that depicted a dystopian future where one needed to pay to breath clean (or any at all) air? How over the top those seemed?

      Not anymore.

  • @sinovictorchan
    81 year ago

    The European diaspora gain huge prosperity from war crimes against people of colors like the 100 years of enslavement of children in the so-called Indian Residential Schools until 1996 that inspired the Nazi Holocaust and the refusal to pay rent to Canadian First Nation landlords. There is also the continued imprisonment of Native Americans in concentration camps as condition for landownership rights, rent collecting right, debt collecting right, and reparation for child enslavement in fake schools to maintain the prosperity of European I immigrant of North America.

  • @sinovictorchan
    71 year ago

    The liberals think that the non western European should all be like the western European diaspora would could only gain success through free riding and unsustainable methods like with colonial free riding, the mass child enslavement in “Indian residential schools”, puppet governments in former European colonies, and cheating of successful people of color.