• Star Wars Enjoyer A
    52 years ago

    it’s almost like, dear I say, the “Leftists” actually listen to scientists and are objectively more correct about stuff?

    Preposterous. Of course not. Perish the thought. Generations worth of science-denying Conservatives MUST be right.

    (for clarity for the people who’re unable to read sarcasm, i’m mocking conservatives)

  • @pinknoise@lemmy.ml
    12 years ago

    Kinda weird how conservative agendas always go against sound, transparent and reproducible research.

  • @newhoa@lemmy.ml
    8 months ago

    I’m definitely pro science but we can’t ignore that sometimes simply “it’s science” is used to propogandize. It’s like the way “this bill is to protect children” is used (this one is used a lot for more control over technology, backdoors, etc). It’s impossible to argue against that without being ridiculed and shamed, even if the method or desired result doesn’t make sense or is antithetical to the claim.

    Science, used vaguely, can be misrepresented, used to create logical fallicies, etc. We equivocate just the word science with truth and reality and that can be taken advantage of.

    So science isn’t leftist propaganda, but science and the claim of science can be used as propaganda, just like anything else.