This man is NOT lucid even at midday and he is currently running for a presidential term that will not even end until 5 years from now

  • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
    4 months ago

    Obviously there is zero chance this mummy makes it another four years, but I’m starting to lean towards a scenario where the Dems send him away to live on a farm before the convention. Grandpa’s brain has to be like 75% pudding at this point and Trump is going to take him for a walk, even if he’s far from his former power levels.

    For a while I was really believing what seems to be the more popular leftist commentator prediction that Biden will somehow win in November despite how terrible of a candidate he is, but I don’t think he will survive five more months of this kind of exposure. The administration is doing a terrible job of hiding him from cameras.

          • FungiDebord [none/use name]
            4 months ago

            Mmm, well the harder theory probably originated with Ettingermentum (chapo maybe got the name and vibes), who minted himself w the correct prediction, but it would just be that Dems would do better much better than expected, based on the observation that Trump severely damaged his brand following his loss in 2020, and high propensity voters (“normal whites”), who would turn out better than polls would suggest, were down on the GOP, esp. Trump backed candidates; and that these voters were very energized against Dobbs. (I’m sure Ettinger had sophisticated empirical data supporting this).

            I think this is essentially what happened during the midterms, and over all the referenda and special elections, which Dems have won, nearly exclusively, since.

            But the normal white thesis may not hold when: there is a high turnout, contest (given normal whites will make up less of the vote share), and when Biden no longer looks like a competent, steady alternative, but, rather, like an incompetent, weak old man (an auxillary theory is probably that, Gaza is hurting Biden, not because normal people care about Gaza or the students (they don’t), but because it makes him look like a little weakling who is an embarrassment to American prestige). So, very unclear that Biden has normal white luck in November, but it’s probably the only theory of the case for his victory, IMHO, tbqh.

    • Adkml [he/him]
      4 months ago

      No way they do it before the election.

      Their argument for the last 4 years has been “you may not like literally anything about him but he’s the only person that can beat trump”

      Sticking in another equally unpopular person with the same policies might even get your average blue Maga to feel a sense of confusion.

      He’s gonna be head of the ticket and be replaced immediatly after the election is called (assuming he wins).

      Like votes happen Tuesday, election is officially called Friday, kamala replaces him in time to make the rounds on the Sunday shows.

      • john_browns_beard [he/him, comrade/them]
        4 months ago

        I’m sure this is what the Dems are planning and hoping for at the moment, but to get to that stage they still have to win the election and therefore must have some confidence that the current ticket can beat Trump, which is the part that surprises me.

        Obviously the reality is that those with enough power to do anything about the situation don’t really care who wins either way, it’s not like their lives will be negatively impacted by it.

    • SuperZutsuki [they/them, any]
      4 months ago

      I think they’re going to start using an AI representation of Biden, even with all the obvious issues like him clipping through the podium. They’ll drag his bed-ridden corpse across the finish line and we’ll get whoever the VP is.

      (This is how Hilary can still win hillgasm )

    • SoyViking [he/him]
      4 months ago

      What if they’re throwing it? They can read polls as well as the rest of us and they know they’re not going to win. They don’t have any good candidates ready and even if they did that candidate would have the Biden dumpster fire as an albatross hanging around their neck for their entire campaign.

      It could be a rational choice to let the senile fuckup take the blame this time, spend four years fundraising to save Our Democracy™ and then run a Buttigieg or whoever it is they really want. At that time people will have forgotten how awful Biden is because they will have been busy with how awful Trump is.

      Letting Biden stay on long enough to lose even comes with the added benefit that they get to pin his unpopularity on his dementia rather than facing the reality that their policy is dogshit.

    • FungiDebord [none/use name]
      4 months ago

      I was really believing what seems to be the more popular leftist commentator prediction that Biden will somehow win in November

      In the future feel free to credit me by name.