Mattan here. Today, I would like to talk about the support we at Refuser Solidarity Network (RSN) are providing for some of the most important direct resistance actions taking place on the ground [under Zionism] today.

We are in close contact with a number of resistance groups. These are led by young [foreign Jewish] activists who are not affiliated with established NGOs. They have great ideas, a talent for organization, and large amounts of courage and motivation. What they lack is funding. Not for salaries or infrastructure, but to cover the modest costs of the actions themselves. Things like transport, signage and equipment.

When they approached us for help, it was clear that our response would be positive. We saw an opportunity where small sums could go a long way to support non-violent resistance undermining the sustainability of the Gaza genocide. Here are three examples:

  • Hatzerim Air Force Base: Bringing the faces of the bomb victims to the bomber pilots. With the aim of confronting pilots with the horror resulting from their actions, protesters stood at the entrance to one of the largest bases of [neocolonial] jets. Their hands painted red and holding portraits of Gazans killed in [neocolonial] bombings, they chanted “The Blood is on Your Hands”.
  • Sde Teiman: Highlighting the horrific conditions of Gazan detainees [under Zionism]. Since October 7 thousands of Palestinians have been held indefinitely and under inhumane conditions at the Sde Teiman facility in southern [occupied Palestine]. Dozens have died and many others have testified that they endured torture: physical and sexual violence, starvation and denial of medical care. In an effort to draw attention to this largely unreported phenomenon — and to send a message to the detainees that they are not alone – activists protested at the prison with signs and banners such as “Sde Teiman Torture Camp”, “Israel Makes People Disappear” and “At Least 40 Palestinians Tortured to Death”.
  • U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem: Underscoring the American rôle in arming the genocide in Gaza. Under the banner “Biden: Stop Arming Genocide”, war resistance activists chained themselves to the gate of the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem, demanding an end to U.S. arms shipments to [Zionism’s neocolony]. Police violently arrested seven protesters.

These actions could not have happened without you […] and our community. The [neocolony’s] war resistance movement is growing, and it needs your continued support. By joining our mid-year crowdfunding campaign, you’ll help us continue to provide these modest grants quickly to activists who can really make a difference. Please donate if you can.

In solidarity,

Mattan Helman
Executive Director
Refuser Solidarity Network

(Taken from an email sent to me by the Refuser Solidarity Network. Emphasis original.)