• @Shrike502
    191 year ago

    I’d imagine that’s why he’s there. His kind of place and people

  • @Mzuark
    141 year ago

    If a Godless mercenary says that the Ukranian higher ups are fucked up people, I believe him.

  • @Samubai
    111 year ago

    The comments are just chuck full of NAFO trolls… god.

    • @Mzuark
      111 year ago

      A war so just that all information about the bad things one side is doing is immediately hit with a tidal wave of bot accounts spamming terrible memes and calling people vatnik.

  • @lxvi
    91 year ago

    This sort of thing wouldn’t have been controversial even five years ago. People used to understand and be able to express their honest opinion: “yes we’re working with ruthless devils, and they’re doing wicked things, but we feel the price is worth it to achieve our ends.” You can understand that point of view. It’s not tasteful, but at least it’s rational.

      • @lxvi
        91 year ago

        I was thinking of Albright as well. Imagine a question like that even being posed today let alone given a straight answer. It wasn’t even that long ago. How quickly things go to shit. Now we have AOC and the like who answer difficult questions with academic rambling, or Sanders insinuating anti-war protesters are directly paid by Russians. Those are supposed to be the good ones. At least Albright was honest.

        • Water Bowl Slime
          111 year ago

          Agreed, feels like the only political progress the left has made here is to mainstream the language of justice without any of the substance. Actually let me rephrase that because I’m making it sound like the left here has any real power…

          It’s more like the powers that be have successfully co-opted socialist rhetoric as a tactic to undermine its development and confuse the movement.

        • @EnchantedWhetstones
          51 year ago

          I haven’t been following Capitol Hill politics that much since it seems like a dead-end but I’d really appreciate a link to that Sanders quote, that’s wild

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov
    1 year ago

    Aha ! Ahora no pueden decir ni negar nada lo malditos nafo trolls que se caguen en su puta vida y también incluyendo a los Yankees y sus mercenarios de mierda también , incluyendo a la puta basura de la Otan y sus secuaces . Para el carajo se van todos ellos . !!!

    Aha ! Now they can’t say or deny anything this f"cking nafo trolls fck their damn lives and also including the Yankees and their fcking mercenaries as well , including the fcking scumbag nato and their minions . fck them all . !!!

  • @frippa@lemmy.ml
    41 year ago

    If the Wagner battalion and the mozart group are a thing I want to found the J S Bach Brigade