For everyone regardless if you celebrate or not, I wish you all a wonderful day full of love, happiness, and time spent with those that matter to you. Merry Christmas Comrades, I’m thankful to have all of you in my life.

  • DankZedong A
    141 year ago

    Merry Christmas!

    My gf gifted me a book about how all people are essentially okay beings. It’s not leftist per se but it makes some decent enough points (sometimes borderline commie). She listened to it as an audio book a while back and in defense of the book it did make her open to many of my communist ideas. It’s like the book helped her push past the ideology of ‘yeah, but muh human nature!’. I’m trying to introduce her to Parenti now as that is a very easy to read leftist author.

    Off to diner with family for the next two days.

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      91 year ago

      That sounds like a very interesting book! Definitely useful for overcoming that first barrier into communist thought, as many people sometimes forget that communism is not just some artificial economic system, but instead the natural state of being for humanity with our empathy and desire to band together to improve.

      I do hope her introduction to Parenti goes well along with the family gathering! Knowing you I except everyone in your family to be turned communist by the end of the first day haha. But Merry Christmas comrade! Have a wonderful next few days!

      • DankZedong A
        71 year ago

        Knowing you I except everyone in your family to be turned communist by the end of the first day haha.

        Lmao. Doing my best <3

      71 year ago

      Nice, I’m happy for you comrade!

      Would you mind sharing the name of the book? It sounds exactly like what my SO needs

      • DankZedong A
        91 year ago

        In Dutch it’s called De Meeste Mensen Deugen (Most people are okay). It’s by the author Rutger Bregman. It’s translated worldwide actually and the English version should be called Humankind: A Hopeful History.

  • @CannotSleep420
    141 year ago

    I just had dinner with my family and heard them reminiscing about their hard times growing up. I’m so used to my spoiled labor aristocrat upbringing that I sometimes forget that my mother is a second generation immigrant who grew up in, at least compared to my upbringing, relative privation. When she was a child, she only spoke Italian and learned English through school and social life.

    • DankZedong A
      1 year ago

      I have a sort of same situation. My parents were poor growing up. My dad could never even afford things like holidays or new clothes growing up. They worked their ass off and with the luck of selling their first house with profit they managed to get comfortable later in life when their kids were born. I never grew up rich or anything but I never had any real shortcomings either. But my parents had when they were young, and it’s always a but shocking to hear what they went through.

      But I appreciate everything they have done for us though.

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      91 year ago

      Eid milad saeid! Hope your Christmas wish comes true!

      • Ayjan Ibrahimov
        81 year ago

        Its not my wish my beloved comrade 😁 , is our wish to see a great , free , happy and victorious Palestine 🇵🇸 ✊🏼 . that is the wish of everyone around the world ❤️ . shukran ya rafiqi 😊 🤝🏼 .

        From The River To The See Palestine Will Be Free !!! 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸

        • @ComradeSaladOP
          71 year ago

          Absolutely! Palestine will be liberated from the fascist IDF, and may a true socialist government take its place so that Muslims, Jews, and Christians can all live in peace and prosperity. No longer tearing each other down, but seeing each other as comrades!

  • @whoami
    131 year ago

    I get to celebrate by working lmao…at least it will be an easy day. Three days off incoming

      • @whoami
        81 year ago

        thx, it was easy. Who keeps downvoting every one of your posts?

        • Muad'DibberA
          51 year ago

          I know who it is, but it doesn’t bother me. I’m impressed by that level of pettiness actually.

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      101 year ago

      Hopefully the holiday pay makes up for having to work! Plus the three days off does sound very nice!

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      121 year ago

      You put the vinyl records in the player only to discover that they’re all in total over 50 hours of theory. But that’s a nice gift nonetheless! Hope you get many listening hours with Blahaj out of the records!

      • Lenin enjoyer🏳️‍⚧️
        101 year ago

        I could wear the records as a hat to be mean to that one anarchist that made earings out of anarhcist theory. Also thanks, have a lovely Christmas!

    • QueerCommie
      91 year ago

      No theory here either (it was one of the top items on my list), I did get v for vendetta by Alan Moore, though (based dude)

  • @201dberg
    111 year ago

    Happy Holidays comrades.

  • Neptium
    111 year ago

    Selamat Hari Natal comrades!

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      91 year ago

      Merry Christmas to you too! It fills my heart with joy to see that comrades from across the world can unite for a common cause. From Belgium to Indonesia, and China to the US, it is an incredible sight.

  • Absolute
    101 year ago

    Merry christmas comrades, I don’t celebrate it really but am happy to have a few days off from work to study and rest, hope you all enjoy

  • stasis
    101 year ago

    i got a multicolored backpack :)

    • @ComradeSaladOP
      1 year ago

      Wooo! That sounds nice! And of course now you have more storage space for theory haha

    • QueerCommie
      71 year ago

      What brand? I have a really nice one of those from Cotopaxi.

  • @redtea
    101 year ago

    Merry Christmas comrade!

      • @ComradeSaladOP
        1 year ago

        I love how you just have a personal downvoter that follows you around. I’d almost consider it an honour lmao