Communist Twitter seems to be alternating between love and hate for it as usual.

  • @cayde6ml
    131 year ago

    I for one love the movie. I was a big fan of the original Avatar movie, and I think the hate it gets is dramatically overblown. Just like the original movie, Avatar 2 isn’t just fancy colors, 3D effects or jaw-dropping visuals. The lore is surprisingly complex and the raw emotions on display with a cohesive narrative that’s in support of anti-colonial revolution mean that its a treat and one of my favorite movies ever.

    • Muad'DibberOPMA
      81 year ago

      I’d heard that it was basically the opposite of the black panther movies, which means it must have a good anti imperialist narrative.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    1 year ago

    I really felt ambivalent about it, and I’m usually neither difficult nor easy to please when it comes to such things.

  • @Adhriva
    91 year ago

    I really loved it, and I’m a difficult one to please when it comes to such things.

  • @cfgaussian
    1 year ago

    Doesn’t have much of a story but the visuals are great. Yeah there’s a bit of an anti-colonial theme but it doesn’t really get paid off with any real resolution, nor is genuine colonial violence really shown, it’s very much the disneyfied PG version. The whole movie feels like just one big set up for the sequel or sequels that they plan on making. Can’t say more without spoilers but it feels like by the end of the movie we just ended up right back where we began and made zero progress. I’d say skip this one and watch the next one instead, unless you are really into CGI of water and acquatic animals, cause there is a ton of that and it looks very good, that was my favorite part of this movie. Honestly if they made a documentary narrated by David Attenborough about all of the alien animals in this i would watch the shit out of it.

  • Soviet Snake
    71 year ago

    I really hated it, and I’m an easy one to please when it comes to such things.

  • Water Bowl Slime
    71 year ago

    This is the first I’ve heard of it. Does the movie still come with the 3D and smellovision gimmick?

    • @cayde6ml
      71 year ago

      Not sure about smellovision, but the movie is available in 3D and 4D. And I don’t typically care for 3D movies, but Avatar blew my expectations out of the water, and its perfect.

      • Arsen6331 ☭
        1 year ago

        What is a 4D movie supposed to be? Is it just a 3D movie that you can fast forward and rewind?

  • Red Phoenix
    31 year ago

    I really liked it. I haven’t seen any legitimate criticism that actually hits the mark. It’s easy to snipe from an armchair in an ivory tower, but if a leftist didn’t like this movie I’d say touch grass (or perhaps water would be more fitting).

    Maybe I’m too smooth-brained though idk

  • @bobs_guns
    31 year ago

    I’m waiting for a better torrent release personally.

  • @lil_tank
    31 year ago

    Very good spectacle, ok everything else I guess

    I’ve seen Native American activists say rather strange things what do you all think about it? I was kinda wierded out by them quoting Cameron saying he was “anti-native” but actually the statement was the exact opposite and no one explained why they thought that

    I could understand some of their arguments, pretty shallow liberal idpol but still valid, but this one I was skeptical

    • @ComradeSalad
      91 year ago

      The anti-native argument usually comes from the fact that the Pandorans are depicted as “spear wielding savages”, while the human are extremely advanced technologically. Which plays into and supports the “Indians” trope that the Europeans were leagues ahead of the Native Americans, while in reality civilizations like the Mayans, Inca, Mississippi, and Pueblo were mostly on par or even ahead of the Europeans in some aspects.

    • 陆船。
      71 year ago

      The Cameron quote most often use boils down to the indigenous people didn’t try hard enough… It’s pretty fucking bad coming from an anglo.

      • @lil_tank
        21 year ago

        I see, I thought there was probably something problematic and cringe, well-intentioned liberal kind of stuff. I wouldn’t say it’s racist though