• cfgaussian
    4 months ago

    Pretty much the most sensible prominent German politician right now. And that’s not a compliment to her - she has a lot of bad right wing takes, including on vaccines - it is an indictment of the German political class which is absolutely atrocious.

    As a communist i certainly won’t be voting for her but i do hope that enough “normies” do, so that her party siphons off support from both the mainstream liberal parties as well as from the AfD which are both far worse alternatives. But electoral politics should really always be viewed as secondary at best.

    The main benefit that having a prominent voice like hers that is against the establishment is that important issues such as Germany and the EU’s unhinged warmongering policy toward Russia (and likely soon China) are brought to the forefront of public discussion, which is something that the Euro-Atlanticist establishment hate being challenged on because they know their position is both insane and also unpopular once there is any meaningful opposition rather than having only one narrative be pushed by the media 24/7.