• Bury The Right
    211 year ago

    It really gets real tiresome being lumped in with r/antiwork type succdems by these idiots.

    • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
      191 year ago

      That sub was very interesting in its reaction to those who don’t buy into the CIA narrative on AES, with a “fuck off tankie redfash you aren’t true leftists”.

      However when liberals overran their little sub and kicked the ancom founders to the sidelines, “we may not agree with them completely but liberals have their hearts in the right place and have the best intentions” lmao.

      • @Comrade_Faust
        1 year ago

        Such is the story of anarchist infiltration. Every time there is a soi-disant ‘left unity’ space, the anarchists always end up conducting a mass purge the likes of which, were it implemented on to a real country, would make the most histrionic of claimants of ‘Stalinist repression’ blush. Then they have the arrant audacity to cast aspersions on us—the fabricated, somehow-terminally-online-yet-perpetually-omnipresent, wicked tankies—for having ‘done a heckin’ authoritarianism, yikes y’all!’ once again.

      131 year ago

      I especially hate it when some people lump us with liberals.

  • SovereignState
    1 year ago

    lynching resources?

    if “leeching” autocorrected to lynching, pretty telling.

  • @KiwiProle
    131 year ago

    Better dead than red? Let me help you with that

  • @cayde6ml
    131 year ago

    I’d rather be unemployed than a corporate slave like that 4chan neckbeard rightoid. Luckily I’m in a life situation where money isn’t an issue, but as a neurodivergent person, the idea of being employed overstimulates and scares me to death.

  • Ayjan Ibrahimov
    1 year ago

    Esto es lo que pasa a los libs y chuds que no leen teoría , recuerden mis queridos camaradas , sigan leyendo a marx , lenin , stalin , mao zedong , ho chi minh , deng xiaoping , kim il sung , muamar qaddafi , michel aflaq , saddam hussein al-majudi y de mas , siempre mantenganse aprendiendo mis queridos camaradas . 😌❤️☭👍🏼

    Meaning : this is what happens to libs and chuds who don’t read any theory, remember my beloved comrades, always keep reading marx, lenin , stalin , mao zedong, ho chi minh, deng xiaoping , kim il sung , muamar qaddafi , michel aflaq , saddam hussein al-majid and more , always keep learning My beloved comrades .

  • @Comrade_Faust
    81 year ago

    Why is that website even allowed to exist? It’s a hotbed of terrorism notorious for its members’ incessant paedophilic urges. A case study as to why censorship is actually a good and necessary thing.

  • Anarcho-Bolshevik
    71 year ago

    Let us now return to our would-be capitalist. We left him just after he had purchased, in the open market, all the necessary factors of the labour process; its objective factors, the means of production, as well as its subjective factor, labour-power. With the keen eye of an expert, he has selected the means of production and the kind of labour-power best adapted to his particular trade, be it spinning, bootmaking, or any other kind. He then proceeds to consume the commodity, the labour-power that he has just bought, by causing the labourer, the impersonation of that labour-power, to consume the means of production by his labour. The general character of the labour-process is evidently not changed by the fact, that the labourer works for the capitalist instead of for himself; moreover, the particular methods and operations employed in bootmaking or spinning are not immediately changed by the intervention of the capitalist. He must begin by taking the labour-power as he finds it in the market, and consequently be satisfied with labour of such a kind as would be found in the period immediately preceding the rise of capitalists. Changes in the methods of production by the subordination of labour to capital, can take place only at a later period, and therefore will have to be treated of in a later chapter.

    …hmm? Oh! Sorry, I didn’t see you there. I was busy reading something informative again. So, uh…what was it you were saying?