you first lol

  • Comrade Ben
    291 year ago

    2 morons fighting each other

    • JucheBot1988OP
      271 year ago

      “lAy oFf tHe PrOtO-fAsCiSm,” said the succdem

      • Comrade Ben
        201 year ago

        They are both just heads of a empire

        • Anarcho-Bolshevik
          221 year ago

          Alexandria Ocasio‐Cortez is more somebody that I just want to see shut up and go away. Elon Musk outright deserves the wall.

        • JucheBot1988OP
          211 year ago

          Objectively the moderate wing of fascism moment

        • JucheBot1988OP
          1 year ago

          How to be a social democrat, in six easy steps:

          1. Betray a workers’ revolution.
          2. Act surprised when fascists take power.
          3. Watch helplessly as communists come in and drive out the fascists, and whine about how the communists aren’t being sufficiently “democratic.”
          4. Blame fascist takeover on the communists (they didn’t work with you), and on the workers being unsophisticated sexually repressed troglodytes who don’t masturbate enough.
          5. Get a breakaway state going where you transition all kinds of “former” fascists into positions of power.
          6. Claim that, all along, it was the communists who were the real fascists.
  • @supersolid_snake
    141 year ago

    Antifascist is when you support military coups in Bolivia and Venezuela.

  • SovereignState
    121 year ago

    bAsIcAlLy AsSaSsInAtIoN cOoRdInAtEs

    man’s going full paranoid delusions arc. hopefully it eats him alive 🙂

    • @ComradeSalad
      91 year ago

      Man has enough money to hire a 10 division strong mercenary army and equip them with tanks, jets, and SAMs. If there is anyone at a lesser risk of assassination it is him.

      He’s going full on gangstalking paranoid delusion.

  • @Beat_da_Rich
    71 year ago

    One of these people shut down a labor strike with the threat of state violence. During the holidays.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    71 year ago

    “bro tone down your fascism enough to not piss everybody so much”