• @HaSch
    221 year ago

    In an informal setting, abbreviations such as “u” for “you” can be excused, but “ur” should neither be used for “your” (which is more frequent) nor for “you are”, not only because of the lack of distinction, but also because “ur-”, in political contexts, is commonly used as a prefix loaned from German, where it means a primal or archetypal instance. The excess of exclamation marks and ellipses does not make up for the general lack of commata, semicola, and other assorted punctuation. It also seems grammatically suspicious to use the adverb “so” as if it were to establish a logical implication between “lib” - here illicitly singularised - and “rule” - a transitive verb.

    The words “evil china communist mind” should not appear as they do, partly because “evil” is an adjective of general opinion and should appear before “communist”, which is an adjective of specific opinion, which in turn should be written in front of “china”, an adjective of origin or material; partly because if “china” refers to the material, the more appropriate adjective would be “porcelain”, whereas if it refers to the country, you would use “Chinese” and it would have to be capitalised.

    One should steer clear of vacuous utterances such as “stupd [sic] tankies are stupid”, as well as including microphone test phrases verbatim in the written records of actual performances of the rap, or hallucinations thereof. However, if the rap was indeed composed in writing, it might be seen as insolent towards the readership to suggest they should make do with “the gist of it”, rather than the thereby implied more nuanced and refined original version. Be careful with dubious presumptions such as “i [sic] think it’s obvious I’ve won”, which might raise subsequent questions from the readership regarding the criteria and metrics through whose evaluation you have arrived at such a judgement.

    “Lie” does not rhyme with “mind”, neither do “nottanist” (whatever this means) and “this”, “tankies” and “dankie [sic]”, or “mic” and “light”. On the matter of the content, you will be surprised to learn that farming is not, in fact, a lie, but the manner in which the majority of humanity procures food since the neolithic revolution about twelve thousand years ago.

    • JucheBot1988
      91 year ago

      (This message brought to you by your friendly local Grammar Stasi)

  • QueerCommie
    191 year ago

    “CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM ONLY” “Ok,” proceeds to write 20 pages of why everything about your ideology is wrong

  • JucheBot1988
    171 year ago

    Can I please get some criticism? CONSTRUCTIVE ONLY.

    Don’t quit your day job.

    • @frippa@lemmy.ml
      131 year ago

      Something something anarchists something something 14 year olds who don’t touch grass

    • @TarkovSurvivorOP
      171 year ago

      Food comes from the supermarket, we don’t need farms, that’s just old fashioned nonsense.

        • @TarkovSurvivorOP
          51 year ago

          We just need daddy Elon to guide us to the new money system over at ftx, decentralised crypto is the future my dude, what could possibly go wrong?

    • @ComradeSalad
      41 year ago

      According to anarchists and libs… yes

      “Whenever I’m hungry mommy goes to the store and buys me big bags of chicken nuggets. So farming is useless and a lie, we could use that land for so many better things”. -Average 14-26 year old anarchist

  • @big_spoon
    151 year ago

    despacito vol. 5 looks pretty lit, almost i’d like to engulf the rapper in flames!

  • @throwhimintheriver
    151 year ago

    i love being socialist hammer and sickle but all these stupid tankies and stupid and fickle i didnt wipe my butt i just pooped and got up

  • @GloriousDoubleK
    151 year ago

    Im gonna cringe inside out.

    I am now a NIMBY. Im sorry. I cant take it.

  • @201dberg
    141 year ago

    If I read this will I get brain cancer? Idk if I can bring myself to read something labeled “Lib rap”

  • @mauveOkra
    131 year ago

    Hmm, you claim to be anti-tankie, yet you eat food that is made by farming AKA “auth-left lie”…

    Also, does rap typically not use line-breaks to represent its meter and rhyme schemes?