I just want to thank all of you for the ability to discuss things here without it turning into a toxic cesspool. Almost everywhere else, disagreement gets met with derision and hate, but here, not so much. I guess we’ve got the mods to thank for that largely, but it’s also just the community at large. Y’all are willing to talk things out and struggle for the truth with logic and reason instead of hate. Thank you for being a community willing to see flaws instead of an enemy.

  • @carpe_modoOP
    191 year ago

    I’m a little drunk right now, so sorry if it’s too much feels. Lol

  • @TeezyZeezy
    181 year ago

    Arwhh yes I love it here too

    Wonderful community (except that one random down voter. Fuck them)

    • @ComradeSalad
      91 year ago

      We don’t talk about Carl the CIA intern. He’s just a little confused.

    • @carpe_modoOP
      51 year ago

      At this point, I treat it like a game. I see a bunch of downvotes, and I’m like “Aha! They’ve struck again! When will you pop your head up, downvoter?”

  • @ComradeSalad
    71 year ago

    Growth is the only way forward comrade. We do not achieve that by tearing each other down, but instead by standing on each other’s shoulders.

    That’s why I love it here too! So much to learn from those who have more experience in certain topics, while simultaneously educating those who have less understanding in topics you are strong in!