Her videos are really nice.

  • @lil_tank
    1 year ago

    Might be a hot take but the therapist anecdote sounds so based to me.

    In case you didn’t watch: (TW:self-kill)


    a guy said felt like ending his own life because his wife left him with the kids and his therapist said he would not see the next five years plan and it actually worked. I wanna live in a society where people are that hype for the development of the world 😭

    • @REEEEvolution
      141 year ago

      Reminds me of the guy who was in a love triangle with two women and forced to chose between them. He chose his one true love - the Communist Party.

  • KiG V2
    211 year ago

    Will check out later, I love socialist anecdotal evidence a lot, it isn’t what first changed my mind but it’s what built my faith in it

    • @GloriousDoubleKOP
      1 year ago

      The one that will always get me is the soviet time capsule.

      Hail to the people who dont know war or disease… 😭😭😭😭

    • @Shrimpy
      -211 year ago

      She is not an honest actor though. Likes to twist history into supporting her own beliefs which at the time revolves around Islam (she is a convert, wasn’t born into it).

        • @Shrimpy
          -271 year ago

          There is, you get a pass for being born into it. If you actually are delusional enough to convert into it, then I don’t think you were Materialist in the first place.

          • @seanchai
            1 year ago

            deleted by creator

            • @Ottar
              1 year ago

              deleted by creator

            • @Shrimpy
              -171 year ago

              It’s not that she is a Muslim, Muslim is really a tangent to her character being dishonest in portraying history.

              • @seanchai
                1 year ago

                deleted by creator

                • @Shrimpy
                  -161 year ago

                  Because that is one huge red flag that should really raise your eyebrow.

          • Kaffe
            111 year ago

            Is there something about Islam that sets it apart from other faiths?

            Is there something about religion that prevents materialist understandings of political-economy?

            • @Shrimpy
              -131 year ago

              “Is there something about Islam that sets it apart from other faiths?” There is some nuance but still pretty much the same as the rest of the mainstream. That is why people get a pass when they are born into it.

              You can believe anything in politics or economics, it is just really weird that you find yourself believing in non-material entities when you claim to be a Marxist.

              • Kaffe
                131 year ago

                Does Marxism seek to explain the cosmos, or just human civilization?

                Newton was Christian and Einstein was Jewish, did their faiths prevent them from studying the world scientifically? No.

                • @Shrimpy
                  -91 year ago

                  This is just a tired argument I’ve been hearing since forever. X was Christian so X couldn’t have been a scientist/doctor/whatever accordingly, right? No. If you claim to have a Materialist understanding of reality then that is at odds with your beliefs. People can be born into these systems and also have some cultural baggage which, again, is why you get a pass when are born into it. CHOOSHING to belief is a voluntary decision that you are making and deserves to be called out.

      • @seanchai
        1 year ago

        deleted by creator

  • @Munrock
    201 year ago

    LadyIzdihar is excellent! Genuinely passionate about soviet history. She adds a nice bit of red to any instagram feed at ladyizdihar as well. She also guested on the Deprogram podcast and that was one of my favourite episodes.

    201 year ago

    Love her so much, her content is so easy to digest and entertaining, i also highly recommend

  • @Shrimpy
    -201 year ago

    Not based at all. Came as guest for an episode of the The Deprogram. Came off as a rebel who is into Communism because that is what is on the fringe now. Plus, delusional and a Muslim convert which is a real wtf coming from an actual materialist perspective.

    • ☭CommieWolf☆
      121 year ago

      There’s this phenomenon that I’ve noticed a lot in western online spaces, that whenever a Muslim woman is the subject of discussion, even if her faith has nothing to do with the actual topic being discussed, there are always those few that come out of the woodwork to bring her religion into it. And its always chauvinistic and bigoted.

      I thought Lemmygrad was one space where this sort of thing doesn’t happen, what a goddamn letdown.

    • @carpe_modo
      81 year ago

      Delusional how? And what specifically about converting to Islam should negate her opinions?

      • @Shrimpy
        -81 year ago

        It doesn’t negate her opinions but it is a big red flag for anyone who also claims to be “Materialist”.

          • @Shrimpy
            -81 year ago

            Because by forming part of a religion you are expressing belief, idealism in your way of seeing the world. This is at odds with a Materialist understanding of the world.