• @knfrmity
    161 year ago

    You’re doing a good thing here, and I think people in general (not redditors) are slowly starting to realize that western tech companies don’t have their interests in mind.

    I have left most tech and privacy oriented subreddits as well for precisely the reasons you mention. There’s no genuine criticism of western companies and governments, while Russia and China are made out to be evil beyond compare in every other post.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      101 year ago

      This shit takes a lot of courage. I do not know of any tech/privacy oriented communities that stand up, they all stand down and boot lick.

  • @Shrimpy
    71 year ago

    Thank you so so much for your work. Please don’t be discouraged by negative comments. This is an example of skilled comrades putting in the work to educate people and therefore losing the foundations to build a functioning society. I thank you very much for your service and hope I can do the same in my own field in the upcoming years.

    You are not alone. Using a public platform means more prone will be exposed. I, for one, wouldn’t have found this Community were it not because I heard of it on main stream platforms.

  • @whoami
    41 year ago

    You wrote a good post, the reaction is not surprising unfortunately. If you got through to at least one person you did a good thing. The anti-china hysteria on reddit is insufferable

  • loathesome dongeater
    21 year ago

    How do you know they are diaspora? But this is par for the course for westerners.

    • @TheAnonymouseJokerOP
      21 year ago

      I could not think of a better collective one word to describe the whole thing. Title limitations and also such a word cannot be toxic. We are the ones who need to be more responsible with words.