• There’s one thing standing in the way of ending the embargo: the dictatorship. It’s interesting that they’d rather keep their dictatorship with no basic liberties than let the people decide. America is run by gangster

  • 小莱卡
    191 year ago

    Cuba WAS run by gangsters before the revolution actually lol

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    171 year ago

    The only thing standing in the way of ending the embargo is indeed the dictatorship. The dictatorship of the bourgeoisie in USA.

  • SovereignState
    151 year ago

    Libs love to compare everything political to sex and relationships, yet speak just like domestic abusers whenever discussing intl. relations

    well you see bro it’s actually their fault they keep getting hit/carpet-bombed/financially strangled, if only they’d do what I say they wouldn’t get hit

  • @Magos_Galactose
    151 year ago

    “It’s interesting that they’d rather keep their dictatorship with no basic liberties than let the people decide.”

    Interesting how whoever wrote this tried to implies that “they” and “the people” are two separate entities when in fact the people of Cuba support their government so hard that any previous attempt by foreign meddling tend to be thwart by the people long before Cuban government did anything significant.

    Wouldn’t say I’m surprised, though. West-worshipper tend to say the same thing regarding every single nations that tried to deviate from the west. If this is a movie, I’d say it’s an overuse cliché at this point.

  • ash! [she/her]
    121 year ago

    “dictatorship with no basic liberties for the people”

    Didn’t they hold a Family Code referendum like 2 months ago that increased LGBT rights and adoption rights? (Among other things, too)

    • @BenEarlDaMarxist
      1 year ago

      Either he didn’t notice it on the news or from online, or he’s just straight up ignoring it and/or is coping bout the fact that the supposed authoiritarians are more fair and merciful to the LGBT community than his beloved yet supposed freedom grounds.

  • PurpleHats
    71 year ago

    Man it feels good to be a gangster

  • @Shaggy0291
    61 year ago

    Pretty sure all the gangsters moved to Miami in the 60s, but go off.

  • @sinovictorchan
    41 year ago

    They are using the old tactic to depend completely on the redefinition of dictatorship in schools of imperialist countries as their sole argument that Communism is absolute authory by one people. How about the fake residential schools in USA and Canada that imprisoned, enslaved, rape, and murder Indigenous children in unethical experimentations until 1996? Also, why do the Native Americans in Canada need to live in barren undeveloped land, endure planned starvation which is illegal in Canadian law, and drink highly polluted water to gain reparation money for the child enslavement and savage indoctrination in fake schools as well as to maintain the treaty right for land that Canadian white settler government borrowed from the many Native American tribes?

  • @thetablesareorange
    31 year ago

    “My main man had two strikes, slipped, got arrested and flipped. He screamed thug life and emptied the clip. Got tired of running from the police” - Emma Goldman