I recently found out that RSS is a thing and am looking for some good feeds to follow.

  • MexicanCCPBot
    91 year ago

    One cool trick is that most, if not all Wordpress-based websites (basically every blog or independent news site out there) offer RSS feeds, even if they don’t have RSS buttons in their front-end. Just add /feed/ to the URL to get them. For example for Multipolarista, which doesn’t have RSS icons anywhere but is Wordpress-based: https://multipolarista.com/feed/

    It’s high time for RSS to make a comeback. It’s a clean, open protocol like email with no BS algorithmic middleman.

    • Asiaticus
      61 year ago

      Thanks for the advice and the link, put it into my RSS feeder. ;)

    • Arsen6331 ☭
      21 year ago

      Email is certainly not a clean protocol. It’s more like a mess of many completely different and separate overcomplicated protocols that ultimately provide no security despite the extra additions that have been piled on top over the years.

  • Asiaticus
    1 year ago

    There is a very good feed, but in German, what I read daily. If you use DeepL, with what you can translate the articles into 29 languages.

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