When you look at the state the USSR or China was in pre-revolution, it’s truly astonishing what they accomplished. No matter how terrible things get, socialism will always shine. The DPRK always gives me hope. They’ve been through so much shit and continue to go through a lot, but they manage to stay strong and progress at their own pace.

We’re on the side of the oppressed. We’re on the side of humanity’s success.

Edit: when someone calls you utopian or insane, just remember “if they could do it, we can do it.”

  • Muad'DibberA
    202 years ago

    In capitalist countries sometimes we can get really disheartened; people are alienated from each other, its hard to make friends, and every societal structure seems like its out to kill you and profit off your corpse.

    There’s that Goethe quote: “I’m glad I’m not young in so thoroughly finished an age”, that fit the end of the french revolution and the return of monarchist reaction, that seems to fit our time, with the fall of the soviet union and the eastern bloc.

    But no, actually things are looking up, when you take a broader view.

    The PRC has lifted more people out of poverty than any country in history. Its an unparalleled acheivement. Scientific socialism has armed them with tools necessary to defeat capitalist-imperialism, provide for millions of people, and thrive.

    Exciting science and technological advancements are in progress: fast wireless networking connecting entire cities, high-speed rail, fusion power, space exploration / mars missions, productive advances making consumer electronics cheap enough for everyone.

    China, Vietnam, Laos, the DPRK, Cuba are doomerism-destroyers. The west is gonna have a long, whiny decline into obscurity while the new socialist powers lap them several times over. I don’t think it’ll be more than a century before we see the world-historic defeat of capitalist countries.

    • Sankavara GardensOP
      232 years ago

      Fuck doomerism, the indomitable human spirit always wins in the end

      • @TeezyZeezy
        82 years ago

        Very based, I have to remind myself that a lot.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @TeezyZeezy
    152 years ago

    It does for me, too. My friend, as much as we have our own personal struggles and struggles within our society, we will come out on top. Like you said, we are on the side of the oppressed. We also are on the side of the victorious.

    Onward, comrades<3

  • @CountryBreakfast
    122 years ago

    Yeah I’m pretty hopeful for the world overall but less so for my immediate community. Also we still have to find it in ourselves to dodge total war. Still it feels good knowing that there are historical processes in play that legit could overthrow capital and decolonized the world, with or without me.

  • commiespammer
    82 years ago

    I was reading “My Childhood” by Gorky.

    God damn it is horrible what pre USSR people had to live through.

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    62 years ago

    “No matter how big the despair, hope will always win in the end”

  • stasis
    52 years ago

    bloomer mindset :)

  • Comrádaí Guts
    52 years ago

    I’m a lil late to the party on this post, but becoming a socialist really helped me curb my doomerism and allowed me to be way more optimistic than ever before. It’s just a liberating feeling being able to recognise and critique both capitalism and our selves and be able to improve and move foward.

    AES is also massive hopium and seeing how far they’ve all come/came is evidence enough a better future is possible.

    To be dramatic, frankly. It’s proof that we don’t have to give in and we absolutely don’t need to suffer alone and aimless. We can work things out together and make things better for everyone, one step at a time.

    We don’t have to accept the homelessness, the hunger, the pain, the quiet desolation nor the crimes committed towards our fellow man in the name of capital.

    god i sound cheesy. But then again, i mean it all wholeheartedly.

    I wish all my comrades the best, keep fighting the good fight in your own little way.

    • Sankavara GardensOP
      22 years ago

      I am the exact same, socialism makes life seem worth living

    • Sankavara GardensOP
      152 years ago

      A lot of people who participate in praxis say they’ve never felt more optimistic than when they do praxis. If you are able to, try and join some group who do it. We are stronger together ❤🫂

        • Sankavara GardensOP
          112 years ago

          It’s unfortunate if that’s the group you have to deal with, but I mean people who do mutual aid or who try to establish dual power. If there isn’t, you’ll have to take up arms yourself, but that’s very hard to do if you’re completely alone. Try your best where you can. Never pass up an opportunity to make a difference somewhere. Every hand matters.