Low crime rate, yet women are encouraged to stay as far away from men as possible. To say nothing about how the police react when you report a rape or any other kind of assault. Hmm…

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    2 years ago

    -Extremely high suicide rate

    -Among the most repressed societies in the world

    -One of the biggest demographic crises on earth

    Yeah, you can keep your consumerist utopia

    • @FocaDDR
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

      • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
        2 years ago

        This is actually why the court system in the game Ace Attorney is how it is. The creator intended it as social commentary about Japan’s courts.

    • @Kind_Stone
      72 years ago

      Yeah, I’ll stick to my Russian doomerism, the Japanese one is too much for my fragile heart.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      72 years ago

      Yeah, you can keep your consumerist utopia

      Don’t forget the economy crisis ongoing for over 30 years now and only being desperately staved by exploitation of both global south and their own workers. All courtesy of their dear ally.

    • @MzuarkOP
      52 years ago

      Also pedophilia is extremely normalized. I don’t know how fanboys can see constant sexualization of fictional children out of Japan and then say “Oh that doesn’t mean anything, maybe that one author is just a weirdo”

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    2 years ago

    -Westoid puppet

    -Nazi government

    -WW2 war crimes denial

    -Ultra capitalist

    -Occupied by bases from country who nuked it twice

    -Terrible for women


    -Suicide rates

    -Only good thing from it in period from WW2-today: anime, Godzilla, Sonic, Kirby, RE and Silent Hill

    • Bury The Right
      112 years ago

      I would say that all the good entertainment that came out of Japan were by-products of the drab corporate hell that Japan is/was and the population’s collective desire to indulge in some form of escapism.

    • @MzuarkOP
      62 years ago

      Oh and the soldiers on those bases reguarly fuck with the natives. It’s basically guaranteed that anytime a US ship ports in Japan, someone from that ship is going to go fucking berserk and terrorize the community.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Literally nothing of it is entirely true though. Especially not true considering what will happen if he show his white weeb ass in there. There’s tons of stories floating how starry-eyed weebs went to Japan only to met with cold hard reality of disdain.

  • SovereignState
    232 years ago

    It’s only considered crime if the police care enough to report on it. So statistically, Japan is very safe for women!

    • Bury The Right
      252 years ago

      “Japan is very safe” are words that should be etched onto Abe’s tombstone.

    • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
      172 years ago

      Hey, 100% conviction rate at least! I’m sure they all did it, and the torture-esque interrogation techniques are sure to bring the truth out!

    • @MzuarkOP
      162 years ago

      Japanese crime stats are the biggest fucking lie and it makes me so annoyed when people try and seriously use them as reasons that Japan is a perfect utopia. Japan’s criminal justice system is based around the cops just not investigating shit further, or harassing people who try to make reports. But you know what, even looking through that lens, that is exactly what the fascist right wants: A society where women and minorities are treated as playthings and then ignored by the police when they try to get some justice.

  • @FocaDDR
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @AgreeableLandscape@lemmy.ml
    182 years ago

    I remember a story about how a Japanese person came to the US to teach Japanese, and had to quit because he couldn’t stand the weebs.

    • stasis
      132 years ago

      doesn’t seem surprising

  • @Leninismydad
    172 years ago

    "The survey also found that only a handful of sexual abuse cases are reported to police or brought to court – shedding light on latent cases.

    Just 10.9% of all respondents consulted experts or support groups over the abuse, and only 15.1% contacted police. Furthermore, victim reports were accepted by police for only 7% of all respondents, while merely 0.7% reported that their attackers were indicted and found guilty in lawsuits."


  • @Munrock
    162 years ago

    It’s not homogenous by a long shot. Not culturally, not ethnically. And the lens through which you have to view Japan to think it’s homogenous in any respect is pretty telling.

      • @afellowkid
        2 years ago

        I’m not super knowledgeable on the topic, but aside from there being immigrants and people of various ethnicities living in Japan, there is also this:

        Early in the Meiji period, the Japanese government consolidated its hold on the peripheral islands of the Japanese archipelago. In the territory inhabited by the Ainu, the Meiji regime tried to wipe out markers of Ainu ethnicity (earrings and tattoos, for example) and prohibited the Ainu from practicing their religion or hunting in their ancestral hunting-grounds. In 1899, the state enacted the “Law for the Protection of Former Hokkaidō Aborigines,” which removed land from communal control, thereby forcing the Ainu to become petty farmers. Japanese assimilation policies not only dispossessed the Ainu, they destroyed nearly all indicators of Ainu cultural and ethnic identity. The Japanese government also embarked on a policy of cultural assimilation in Okinawa, paying particular attention to discouraging the use of the native Okinawan language and enforcing the use of standard Japanese among schoolchildren. (PW)


        The Ainu went from being a relatively isolated group of people to having their land, language, religion and customs assimilated into those of the Japanese.[35] Their land was distributed to the Yamato Japanese settlers and to create and maintain farms in the model of Western industrial agriculture. It was known as “colonization” (拓殖) at the time, but later by the euphemism “opening up undeveloped land” (開拓) […] This discrimination and negative stereotypes assigned to the Ainu have manifested in the Ainu’s lower levels of education, income levels and participation in the economy as compared to their ethnically Japanese counterparts.


        Although officially unrecognized, Ryukyuans constitute the largest ethnolinguistic minority group in Japan, with 1.4 million living in the Okinawa Prefecture alone. […] United Nations special rapporteur on discrimination and racism Doudou Diène, in his 2006 report,[25] noted a perceptible level of discrimination and xenophobia against the Ryukyuans, with the most serious discrimination they endure linked to their opposition of American military installations in the archipelago

        Okinawa was an independent kingdom until being colonized by Japan in 1879. The Empire of Japan suppressed Okinawan language and culture. The United States invaded Okinawa in April 1945. […] The United States occupied Okinawa until 1972, when it became a prefecture of Japan. (PW)

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        42 years ago

        Adding to the afellowkid post about minorities, Japan also still have the problem of remains of caste system inside their own society. Burakumin discrimination is still an issue despite the caste and its segregation was abolished formally 151 years ago (!).

      • @Munrock
        22 years ago

        afellowkid answered for the Ainu in the North, but I’ll add to that the Ryukyuans in the South.

        While (I think) they are content to be a part of the Japanese nation, their language and culture is markedly distinct, to the point that the government’s decision to not recognise them as a distinct group is absurd by any standard - it’s as stupid as when France would insist ‘Algiers is France’, and only gets further mileage in the anglosphere because unlike the Algerians, Ryukyuans and Ainu get tarred with the insipid Western ‘looks the same = is the same’ thought.

        What I mean by “And the lens through which you have to view Japan to think it’s homogenous in any respect is pretty telling” is that for someone to claim Japan is a monoculture means they’d have to either be parroting the government’s official stance (which is a deliberate effort to erase those cultures), or they have no idea what they’re talking about. Or both, in that their entire conception of Japan is constructed by exported Japanese media that largely sticks to the monoculture narrative.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @REEEEvolution
    102 years ago

    The “low crime rate” is mostly because much isn’t reported or solved under the hand via the Yakuza.

  • JucheBot1988
    21 year ago

    Also anime, which sort of cancels anything else out