• @Magos_Galactose
    182 years ago

    Just like western-sponsored Hong Kong riot of 2019 and western-sponsored Thai protest of 2020, the west-sponsored riot isn’t as popular as western media brag about.

    Doubt the pro-government protestors would even appear in western news sources, as always.

    • @folaht
      2 years ago

      They’re getting less popular by the year.

      The Hong Kong riots were at least quite popular but their government, business leaders, elderly who remember the colonial period, border traders, and new immigrants from China mainland, has had quite enough of their anti-economic isolationist stance, hyperparanoid to the point of excusing a murderer who chopped of a young woman into pieces stance, and outright violence against anyone speaking Mandarin.

      But most of all, their unwillingness to compromise a win when time wasn’t on their side.
      When the Hong Kong gov was willing to discuss giving in into some of their 5 demands, they had a chance for reform demands. But they didn’t, because they wanted all their violence to be excused, all police arrested and the president to step down before a discussion could take place.

        • @folaht
          2 years ago

          They will be. The only way the Hong Kong pandems and isolationists were to be able to keep their bubble alive was to stop any building project close enough to the border of Shenzhen.
          That’s now gone with massive building projects.

            • @folaht
              2 years ago

              They initially won’t like it. They’ll see communists as rich as they are acting as if they are equal to them. Shenzhen is as rich as Hong Kong now, but more spacious and modern. Their world view will be shattered.