How the heck do I avoid Cloudflare when selecting a web host, please? I was considering getting a DigitalOcean “droplet” and running something in that, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be inside Cloudflare’s evil embrace.

I asked in what I thought was an obvious place but was met by bewildered looks.

    62 years ago

    I would look for a hosting provider that hosts servers outside a 5-eyes country (which is just about every western country, unfortunately). After doing A LOT of web searching I came across cloudsigma. They have servers in Switzerland, Germany, and the Netherlands. No, they haven’t paid me for this (although, cloudsigma, if you’re reading this…I’m your biggest fan!).

  • Baobab
    42 years ago

    If you want to verify if DigitalOcean itself is running Cloudflare, you can just: curl --head As for verifying the droplet, you would have to do the same for a site you know is using DigitalOcean (I don’t know of any).

    I’m unsure if the droplets themselves running Cloudflare even matters if the site you have to go through to get the droplets runs Cloudflare to begin with.

    As for my recommended hosting service, I’d say either Gandi or Njalla. There’s also 1984 Hosting, but I can’t vouch for it because I haven’t used it yet.

    32 years ago

    I just want to know, what makes cloudflare that bad? i hear a lot voices telling that cloudflare is evil, but i heard no facts!. So what make people hates it this much?

    • Dessalines
      72 years ago

      They’re a man in the middle for half the internet. They get all your form submits, including passwords and other personal info, in plain text.

      52 years ago

      Perpetual captchas and not letting people to log in or even viewing websites are examples of their hostility.

    02 years ago

    I get that they are huge but does that make it evil?

    If Lemmy starts to get users and gets larger will that make it evil?