A little bit different than usual, but it sure says a lot.

  • Soviet Snake
    142 years ago

    Bolivia is a bit weird, their “monarchy” holds no political power and it exists more like a religious figure with affrican aboriginal origins.

      • RedFortress
        72 years ago

        Better than many others

        Most don’t have the opportunity to learn the English language and browse lemmygrad

      • @OrnluWolfjarl
        72 years ago

        What is a subnational monarchy? What’s going on in S. Africa for example?

    • @sparkingcircuit
      42 years ago
      RED -------- Absolute monarchies
      ORANGE ----- Semi-constitutional monarchies
      DARK_GREEN - Parliamentary monarchies
      GREEN ------ Commonwealth realms (parliamentary monarchies in personal union)
      MAGENTA ---- Subnational monarchies

      Source - Wikipedia