I think it would be a great idea to have something like a discord chat to talk in voice chat but I know that some people do not like discord so we would need to find an alternative. Do you have any idea? And I would suggest having a new ‘‘discord like sub’’ only for this community. What do you think?

  • Muad'DibberA
    74 years ago

    Here’s a good video / voice chat that’s super easy to use, respects users privacy, etc. /u/nutomic referred to matrix, but it just uses this in the background for voice / video.


    • @redjoker
      24 years ago

      Jitsi is also great because it’s end-to-end encrypted

  • @pimento
    64 years ago

    We have a Matrix.org chat for the admins, we could also start a public one. Definitely better than Discord (eww) or Telegram, cause its open source and federated.

    • Raton_en_CrissOP
      54 years ago

      Yea that sounds like a great idea, I never used Matrix.org so how does it work and what does it do?

      • @pimento
        64 years ago

        Well its another open source chat tool. Its federated, meaning there are multiple servers where you can sign up, and talk with people no matter which server they are on. Plus the French government is going to use it, so they will invest a lot of resources in the development.

        • Raton_en_CrissOP
          24 years ago

          Okay it sounds great but if the French government put money into it, won’t they try to get a hand on it and use it to maybe spy on the people using it?

          • @pimento
            64 years ago

            Well its all open source, and anyone can run their own server. So it would be hard for them to spy on the users.

            • Raton_en_CrissOP
              44 years ago

              Well in that case in sound really great if anybody is able to make a server for the community of Lemmy it would be really great I think!

              • @pimento
                54 years ago

                We are not going to run our own server, its not that easy from what I heard. But you can join any instance on this list (I am on the official instance for now).

                • @Hagels_Bagels
                  24 years ago

                  It’s coming up with: Error 502 bad gateway.

  • @Hagels_Bagels
    34 years ago

    I think a discord sounds like a good idea. I’ve never used Telegram before but maybe that could be an alternative to that?

    • Raton_en_CrissOP
      34 years ago

      I never heard of Telegram before. Is it like a discord but with less spying ?

      • @pimento
        54 years ago

        Telegram is basically the same as whatsapp, except its run by a Russian company. Meaning the CIA will probably not get your data.

      • @Hagels_Bagels
        34 years ago

        I think it’s more of a messaging app more popular on mobile, but yeah cloud storage and encryption are big things about it.

        • Raton_en_CrissOP
          34 years ago

          Okay it might be a great option if we don’t have any more ideas thank you for this suggestion