• @supersolid_snake
    342 years ago

    The west is so racist, the state doesn’t even have to do the propaganda but for some reason they do.

  • @Mzuark
    282 years ago

    Crazy how a misinterpreted report about a cult that harvests organs evolved into “The evil seeseepee will cut the guts from your body in the night”

    • @folaht
      2 years ago

      A cult that harvests organs?

      Correct me if I’m wrong with this, but I thought…

      it was the Chinese justice system taking organs from criminals having gotten the death penalty and a cult that thinks their organs are spiritual vessels or the like, that at some point had expanded so widely that top officials in the Chinese government were also cult members, something that happened in the US as well with another cult, except this one got kicked out of China, so now the US has both cults.
      The Chinese cult leader who thinks he’s Jesus reincarnated or the like and he is the one that started accusing China for the organ harvesting and the US happily spreads this disinformation.

    • @Kirbywithwhip1987
      92 years ago

      I’m pretty sure a certain group/terrorist organization USA supports is/was the one doing that somewhere in central Balkan…

    • @TeezyZeezy
      112 years ago

      Honestly. The gore subreddits come to mind for me. Wow guys, thanks for the awards on this video of a fucking suicide…

      • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
        62 years ago

        Yeah the fact that they had subs dedicated to dying people and pedo material reflects how disgusting they are…

        • @Cysioland
          72 years ago

          I mean, there were gore subreddits that basically were like “don’t put your hands where you shouldn’t or you’ll die a horrible painful death just like this” but yeah, a thin line between morbid reality/educational content and sadistic content

          • @Eat_Yo_Vegetables69
            22 years ago

            From what I remember gore and watchpeopledie were taken down a while back, there might be some alternate subs for those now.

  • @lxvi
    2 years ago

    All I hear

    • @mauveOkra
      102 years ago

      Now I hear the supercut of every time he says it, I think it is used is the trailer

  • @ThatCakeThough
    62 years ago

    Imagine thinking that donating your organs is a bad thing.