I guess terrorism is perfectly fine when it’s done by white countries. Whether this was done by Ukraine or not doesn’t even matter because the response is loud and clear: When you can’t win on the battlefield, resort to the murder of civilians and that’ll just smooth everything out.

The double standards on display in this conflict are mind boggling.

  • SovereignState
    302 years ago

    Palestinian throwing a stone at an IDF tank: terrorist, vile, repugnant

    Nazi car bombing political opponents in heavily populated civilian areas: freedom fighter, heroic, slava ukraini

  • deleted by creator
    242 years ago

    smoothbrained pieces of shit, oh yeah they’re the nazis, not the guys with swastika tattoos. fucking creeps, I hope the worst for them

    • Lil Kitai
      82 years ago

      They’re just really big fans of windmills.

  • @EuthanatosMurderhobo
    192 years ago

    Whaaaaaat? Libs be hypocritical? Pleeeeease…

    I can’t help but wonder though…why the fuck Dugin of all people? For all the “interesting” places Putin’s government goes this guy is just kind of a freak 'round here. Is it an attempt to get a media victory by blowing up literally any political activist and saying they were important?

    P.S. Oh, my bad, I forgot that western media already calls Dugin - “Putin’s brain”. K.

    • @MzuarkOP
      102 years ago

      The headlines are clearly trying to make it seem like Dugin was Putin’s actual daughter and not the daughter of a guy he barely knows.

    • @GloriousDoubleK
      102 years ago

      Does Dugin have any real influence in the state? I thought he was just some weird Russian intellectual dark web weirdo.

      • @EuthanatosMurderhobo
        2 years ago

        dark web weirdo

        Well, not quite that freaky, but he’s one of those weird populists, truly commited to some sort of grand national idea (Russo-centric Eurasianism in his case)…I’m trying to avoid ad Hitlerum… Even bourgeois politicians, if they’re worth a fuck, keep those screeching on the sidelines, let alone Putin’s government with their tendency for inertia with bouts of unpredictability and ideological schizophrenia.

        Basically, you know how Navalny was worthless? Dugin even more so. The reaction around Russian internet was an overwhelming “That sucks…but who’s daughter?”.

        • @RedSquid
          112 years ago

          Good to hear that his importance is overblown. I’m getting two sets of state media reporting on this at the moment and both countries are saying how Dugin is basically Putin’s ‘right hand man’ or the ‘intellectual’ behind Putin’s policies and all this. It’s infuriating that this will absolutely go unquestioned by 99.9999% of people because they want to believe that there’s some batshit quasi-Rasputin looking mofo secretly running the Russian government

      • @Shrike502
        142 years ago

        The most amusing part is that the article in the post is BS. FSB has already posted info on the culprit.

          • @Shrike502
            192 years ago

            One “Natalia Pavlovna Shaban”, Azov member. Entered Russia under a fake surname of “Vovk”, using a car with DNR license plate.

            • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
              2 years ago

              Hmm, why though? Surely Dugin was the intended target but he isn’t even friend nor supporter of Putin and his support for the war is from an completely chauvinist angle. Did they believed western propaganda?

              • @Shrike502
                152 years ago

                Fuck if I know, Genosse. Could be a purely terrorist act in the original sense - to show they can do it and to someone who is a meme in western media. A show of force.

                • @RedSquid
                  102 years ago

                  Could this be propaganda of the deed? Or am I being too mean to anarchists?

      • @TheAnonymouseJoker
        32 years ago

        To uncover these shitholes, SILENTLY OBSERVE Lemmy.ml’s Offtopic Chat Matrix room. You will find marmulak, Helix and all those partially active there.

    • JucheBot1988
      32 years ago

      I’m convinced most liberals really do see women as less than human. It’s why they defend the sex trade and the most vile and abusive kinds of pornography. Usually the necessity of maintaining at least a pretense of feminism keeps it all under wraps somewhat, but when the victim is an “enemy agent” all bets are off.

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    62 years ago

    How dare you criticise Anglo Nazis? No McDonalds and Starbucks for you this month!

  • JucheBot1988
    2 years ago

    The fuck does the last sentence in that tweet mean?

    • @MzuarkOP
      22 years ago

      She deserved it, basically.