Turns out the anarchists have a piece of theory larger than Capital. I haven’t seen any of my comrades talk about this in any community. The writer has read Marx, Engels, and Lenin.

Wasn’t sure whether to post it in Shit Ultras Say or Leftist Infighting but I’ll post it here first. Section H is where it attempts to criticize us.

  • Sodium_nitride
    8 months ago

    This is because many Marxists reject the Chinese, Cuban and other revolutions as being infected from the start by Stalinism.

    What Marxists reject the Chinese or Cuban revolutions?

    As noted, two main wings of the revolutionary socialist movement, anarchism and Marxism

    Lmao, even the social Democrats have a bigger claim to being a “main wing” of the socialist movement than anarchists. At least they accomplished something back in the 50s and 60s.

    as more and more people recognise the fundamentally anti-socialist nature of the Russian “experiment” and the politics that inspired it. With this re-evaluation of socialism and the Soviet Union, more and more people are rejecting Marxism and embracing libertarian socialism

    What the hell are the anarchists smoking? The soviet revolution has been dragged through the mud since the day it began. In fact, it is only now that interest in the soviet union as a legitimate form of socialism has revived.

    This analysis also rewrites history as the bulk of the Marxist movement supported their respective states during the conflict

    It doesn’t matter how many opportunists or spliter cells supported their states during the war when by far the most dominant and famous faction (the bolshieviks) opposed it and got their way.

    The rise of Marxism, in the form of social-democracy, ended as Bakunin predicted, with the corruption of socialism in the quagmire of electioneering and statism

    Why do I even bother?

    The aim of that [russian] revolution was to create a free, democratic, classless society of equals

    No it was not. Anarchists need to stop projecting their own goals onto us.

    The aim of the Russian, Chinese, Cuban and basically other marxist revolutions has always been to end imperialism, landlordism, private surplus extraction. To modernise society and vastly improve living standards. In these respects, the marxist revolutions succeed more than any other in all of human history.

    The creation of a classless society is only a far future goal. This much is literally Marxism 101 and even non-soxialists know this. When it comes to building democracy, most marxist movements have achieved somewhat underwhelming results, but some like Cuba have outstanding democratic systems.