• ☭CommieWolf☆
    392 years ago

    It started as “Hate the government not the people.”

    Now we’re at “Hate the culture, not the genetics”

    • @Shrike502
      282 years ago

      Give it a bit. They’ll start “scientifically proving” we’re australopiteks or some shit.

      • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
        2 years ago

        In Poland that’s a thing for years, they call it “homo sovietucus” although idk if someone taking it literally, probably yes since some of those people are unbelievably stupid.

        • @Shrike502
          112 years ago

          Interestingly, so do libs in Russia

          • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
            112 years ago

            Story as old as colonialism, dastardly compradors and their dumb henchmen, now i know why western cartoons rely so heavily on this sterotype.

      • ☭CommieWolf☆
        202 years ago

        these sons of removed don’t deserve the anonymity we give them

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Seriously all the totenkopfs just replaced “race” with “culture” and continued without any other change. This bit here could be as well printed in 1944 “Der Sturmer”.

  • @ComradeChairmanKGB
    282 years ago

    Yes this person definitely went to the best universities (yes thats plural apparently).

    • @supersolid_snake
      212 years ago

      That’s also the problem. Universities here, especially poli sci breeds this filth.

    • @HaSch
      2 years ago

      You really need that and “well read”[1] in order to consistently not capitalise proper and geographical nouns

      [1] Edit: As opposed to being well-read

    • @ZuZu091
      52 years ago

      Fresh outta PragerU University

    • Oatsteak
      42 years ago

      “I sure definitely am not a fascist, no sir! It’s those inferior Russians!”

    • @Kind_Stone
      172 years ago

      We do have a substentially large group of moderate libs and non-political guys who are against the war here in Russia. However, they are acting the usual liberal way: organise a couple of random chaotic demonstrations, where some more proactive libs get taken away for a night or two at the nearest police department and then proceed to run around one person at a time with “SAY NO TO WAR” posters in the streets or posting some shit in their social media.

      The pro-western libs here are absolutely powerless and ride on the wave of bored youth mostly.

      • @Shrike502
        122 years ago

        Don’t forget spraying “No war” on walls

          • @Shrike502
            62 years ago

            Yes, funnily enough. There’s a NO WAR sprayed in english on a bus stop on the outskirts of the city that I’ve seen

        • @Anatolianin
          2 years ago

          Мне понравилось как после начала СВО либерахи поналепили возле нашей общаги кучу плакатов о злобном Путине и о том что всем надо сейчас же выйти и остановить войну, а потом сами студенты ходили и эти плакаты сдирали. Забавно.

          • @Shrike502
            22 years ago

            Однако! У меня на районе даже надписей особо не было, хотя в других местах попадались

            • @Kind_Stone
              42 years ago

              Единственной акцией протеста в наших “позитивных” краях был унылый мужичок, который недалеко от центрального парка весь июнь стоял с картоночкой соответствующего содержания.

              • @Shrike502
                22 years ago

                Его не повязали?

        • @Shrike502
          22 years ago

          Viable alternatives to the current people in power?

          • @vitaminka@lemmy.ml
            12 years ago

            viable alternatives to transitioning to a democratic election system and a fairer judicial system

              • @vitaminka@lemmy.ml
                12 years ago

                in that case it doesn’t make sense to critique a tactic if the only alternative is to literally do nothing…

    • @Shrike502
      162 years ago

      why have these libs not stopped their own government atrocities

      Best bet? According to this lib, they weren’t atrocities, or were justified, or were overblown or any of the myriad excuses.

  • @Kind_Stone
    262 years ago

    Lol, now imagine that just until recently (like the whole SMO thingy) our propaganda here in Russia was similar but in an anti-soviet way. Stuff like “Bolsheviks use our genetic slavery” or “We have a slave mentality and we should fight it and our past” was fairly common to hear from government propaganda in all sources. Now they SUDDENLY call all their own propagandists “Western agents” and the same people who were paid to say all that shit go criminal. How do you like that kind of shit, eh? XD

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      252 years ago

      Extremely not fun fact: the term “homo sovieticus” is in common usage even in parliament here in Poland. Yup, they think anyone not liking capitalism is subhuman.

    • @Shrike502
      192 years ago

      Fuckin “slave mentality” articles. Oh I remember them well. Gazeta, meduza, all the others. They’ve toned it down, but still occasionally do this kind of crap.

  • @Neers94
    2 years ago

    These people whine at jokes about getting the wall when they also say stuff like this. Like, you are a perfect example of someone that needs that. In Minecraft, of course.

    Edit: And this is just a prime example of liberals literally being able to go full fascist and say absolutely disgusting and horrible shit and not only do they not get banned for it but they get applauded and encouraged. This is literally the argument the KKK used against black Americans, imagine if he were saying this about black people. He’d be banned in an instant and probably harassed justifiably. Yet when he says this about the state department designated evil people, nothing will happen.

    This ideology is how we let japanese internment camps happen, this is how we kept slavery alive, this is how we justified the genocide and assimilation of the natives. If you think these people won’t keep doing it and this country won’t keep doing it, you’re a buffoon.

    • @mylifeforaiur
      2 years ago

      … about black people. He’d be banned in an instant…

      No he wouldn’t. As long as op framed it as an attack on some sub-saharan country, the libs would love it.

  • Lil Kitai
    2 years ago

    Yea, but you do realize this kind of talk and rhetoric was what enabled genocides of various different peoples around the world in the past, right? This kind of talk has always been what precedes the massacres and killings.

    • @Shrike502
      252 years ago

      Wanna bet this person will actually cheer for mass killings of Russians?

      • Lil Kitai
        162 years ago

        i OnLy HaTe PuTiN nOt ThE pEoPlE.

      • @Neers94
        2 years ago

        If they knew any history about Ukraine, they probably did when the Ukrainians were bombing civilians in the donbas.

        • @Shrike502
          82 years ago

          Doubt they know tbh. All those “experts on geopolitics” who will ramble on and on about “what’s happening in Putin’s head” are quite ignorant as a rule of thumb. They don’t know about Nuland coming in 2014 for example, not to mention the Orange “Revolution” and “ancient ukr” bs.

    • NasgorTikusEnjoyer
      32 years ago

      You’d be surprised at how easy people eat this shit up, especially when its from indoctrination in childhood. A vast majority of the people in Indonesia still think the over 1 million communists that got killed deserved to be genocided. We still got teachers basically traumatizing kids with imagery of gore to think communists are much much worse than satan.

  • @Mzuark
    202 years ago

    Indoctrination is when people think differently than what the propaganda tells me to believe.

  • @RedSquid
    192 years ago

    That’s a very interesting argument. Now please stand by this wall.