I usually fall asleep around 22:30-23 and have to wake up around 6 for school. I’m a night person so I can’t really get to sleep before that. Also, the sound of my alarm is physically painful so I tend to be half-awake a while before it in anxious anticipation. High schoolers (I’m USian) need more sleep than most people, so I feel miserable on less than nine hours and deteriorate throughout the week. Idk how some people do it on even less sleep. My head buzzes and I can’t focus most of the time during the school day. On weekends I used to get 11-12 hours to make up for my sleep debt, but I haven’t been able to since daylight savings time. I can now barely get ten hours a lot of the time, leaving me tired enough to have a strong tendency to go on social media without much energy for else.

Any advice? I can provide more information if necessary.

  • QueerCommieOP
    8 months ago

    Maybe I’m you. I love learning, but the greatest negative factor in my life right now is school forcing me to get up early. In an ideal society (communism duh) school would be much shorter and we’d learn more because we’re awake and focused in that time. One of my greatest fears is becoming a wage slave. I get my stuff ready before I go to bed, I’m just at my best at that time too so I naturally use my awakeness to read and stuff. There’s no way in hell I could get the school to let me sleep in with a doctors note. My friend had to leave the school because she they wouldn’t excuse her absences for acute migraines.

    Edit: Even the most well meaning and smart teachers/schools are trying to prepare their students for a life under capitalism so the problem’s origin totally makes sense.

    • Che's Motorcycle
      8 months ago

      I used to be a night owl too. I remember having that rush of energy around 10 or 11. Now I just kinda coast through the day, haha.

      I hear you about not wanting to be a wage slave. One ok job I had was substitute teaching. Especially in elementary school, the hours weren’t too early, there was no planning or grading responsibilities, and the pay was adequate. Plus it didn’t hurt that I liked teaching and the kids were usually enjoyable.

      • QueerCommieOP
        8 months ago

        Nice, teaching sounds nice, but I do not want to have to wake up this early in my adult life too. Might be an option.