• AgreeableLandscape☭
    3 years ago

    You can’t fix the injustice of an unjust system by working within that system. Show me a single time that has happened, and I’ll show you how the people who fixed it actually betrayed the system.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      23 years ago

      Yeah, anybody who understands anything about politics and history knows this is a farce. Recent crashes and the pandemic have really shaken the faith in capitalism, and especially so for young people.

      I think this is one reason China is constantly demonized. If people start seeing Chinese system in a positive light then they’re going to start asking uncomfortable questions about their own. As long as people can be convinced that living under Chinese style system would be worse, they can be relied on to keep propping up the one that oppresses them.