I walked into a store and the owner’s cat came running to me meowing! I swear she was saying “hello!” It was the cutest thing ever! She kept following me around and meowing! During checkout I ended up petting her and asking the owner how old the cat was. She’s 15 years old!

Well a couple hours later I’m having an allergic reaction! 😢Well, the runny nose, watery eyes and sneezing was worth it!

  • @holdengreen
    72 years ago

    Sounds like a cool store. We’ve got lots of cats around and most of them are decendants of Pumpkin. She likes to cuddle and bite and she’s getting pretty old now I think…

    • @SunshinerOPM
      62 years ago

      Pumpkin?! AWWW SO CUUTE! Can I see her 🥺

        • @SunshinerOPM
          52 years ago


  • Suburban_Witch
    32 years ago

    I haven’t had cats in years, I wish I could pet a store kitty. I miss the scruffers. Did you take any pictures of her?

    • @SunshinerOPM
      22 years ago

      I sadly didn’t :(( I might next time I go there. Also hope you can see a store kitty one day, it’s an amazing experience! 😭