The anger and racism in the slashdot thread is hilarious.

    72 years ago

    Iran has announced this many times over the past several years. I don’t know to what extent they have succeeded in using crypto, though. This would be good to cross-post to !

        12 years ago

        prolly very challenging to mine a significant enough amount, if you’re under such sanctions that you’re forced to use crypto in the first place tho 🤷‍♀️

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    22 years ago

    Suddenly the cryptobros don’t like the fact that anyone can use it anymore.

    Pedophiles paying for CP and murderers paying for hitmen? That’s just the cost of currency freedom, apparently (not making it up, I’ve seen cryptobros defending both under the guise of if you suppress them you suppress everyone). But a country the US hates paying to feed its people? Now that goes too far!