You might remember 4 days ago Amnesty International published a report detailing Ukraine’s use of civilians, which had a very predictable backlash among ukraine flag emojis and now they have apologized for it. The comments are full of people saying it was Russian propaganda and they’re right to have backtracked. 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

  • deleted by creator
    312 years ago

    I’m sorry that reporting your war crimes has caused you distress

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    2 years ago

    Lmao they just covered the tip of the iceberg of Ukraine atrocities and libs are going crazy.

  • @Mzuark
    262 years ago

    This is fucking lunacy. Amnesty told the truth and people lost their fucking minds. Like this isn’t even news because the Ukrainians admitted to doing this months ago.

    • @bleepingblorp
      92 years ago

      Of course libs lost their mind, they support atrocities when it is them doing it, and Amnesty was talking like it is a bad thing, so obviously shame on Amnesty

    • Lil Kitai
      92 years ago

      Libs have a memory/attention span shorter than a goldfish.

  • @Cysioland
    252 years ago

    They “regret the distress and anger” so it’s literally “sorry we made you feel that way”, aka a classic non-apology apology

    • JucheBot1988
      82 years ago

      In the US we call them “Blue Maga”

  • JucheBot1988
    102 years ago

    …Aaaaand they’re back. Same old Amnesty International we know and love.

  • @bleepingblorp
    92 years ago

    Amnesty is toothless and spineless, might as well be a jellyfish