• @Hagels_Bagels
    113 years ago

    I wonder what metric they use to categorise their “hostile nation-states.” Is it the top 6 countries that have dropped nuclear weapons on civilians? The top 6 countries with the most foreign military bases? The top 6 countries with the most killings of civilians via drone strike? Top 6 countries for napalm dropped over other nations? It’s hard to tell, they all seem like reasonable metrics.

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      103 years ago

      It’s just the enemies of the American state.

      Like, the guy who made this site is a ‘hacktivist’ but literally only goes against enemies of the US and has been rewarded by the US for doing it, he even boasts about it on his twitter.

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    3 years ago

    how much do you wanna bet it’s just full of the same chudheads who went to Parlor and the other far-right social media alternatives.

    edit, here’s a link to the site. this is defo full of truthers and conspiracy theorists https://counter.social/index.html

    • Star Wars Enjoyer A
      83 years ago

      in their FAQ;

      "ISN’T BLOCKING ENTIRE NATIONS ‘RACISM’ OR ‘XENOPHOBIC’? No. The nations blocked contain individuals of all races. Nations are not races. "


      • Star Wars Enjoyer A
        73 years ago

        I made a quick account, most of their users seem to be boomers and wine moms. Saw a lot of questionable enlightened centrist stuff too.

        • Star Wars Enjoyer A
          53 years ago

          there are CNN headlines on the top of the screen, and there’s a news radio thingy that only has liberal MSM on it.

          • Star Wars Enjoyer A
            73 years ago

            you know what, this is a perfect site if you like living in a liberal fear-world.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    83 years ago

    Later on they will wonder why these countries are making their own social media platforms.

  • ghost_laptop
    53 years ago

    The front page on desktop says “No foreign Influence Ops”, I assume they only allow ops from the US in the global south.