• @201dberg
    352 years ago

    I for one love all the CIA agents and Feds I get to talk to on a daily basis here.

    • @CriticalResist8A
      302 years ago

      Breaking: tankie website lemmygrad.ml is actually just FBI extranet; no actual users found.

      “It’s crazy. I was talking to this guy for months, trying to get evidence against him, and then I met Steve in the break room and he told me he was on the lemmygrad assignment. I asked for his username and he was that guy. Then he admitted he was also trying to build a case against my lemmygrad character”

      “We ran an internal audit and found all users on this platform were actually our agents. We have no idea how that happened” reports FBI Director of Cyber Unit.

      • Catraism-Stalinism
        202 years ago

        wait really? did we waste all this time for nothing! I built up this entire she-ra persona! It took me like 6 months!

        fuckin hell, back to reddit I guess

        • @bleepingblorp
          32 years ago

          Yo Mikey! Why are you using your single-sign on password for your Project CommieSnare username? Also I want to remind you that using your son’s name plus 12345 as a password isn’t technically meeting FBI password requirements… you need at least one special character. Might I suggest ☭

    • Catraism-Stalinism
      172 years ago

      honestly, when I try conversing, I can’t help but bring it to politics and history, if not current events. If no one can talk about politics, I have lost around 85% of my conversation material.

      • @pinkeston
        112 years ago

        Same. 95+% of the content I consume now is related to history or politics. It’s getting harder and harder to hold long and interesting conversations nowadays

        • @redshiftedbrazilian
          2 years ago

          I was so much into comic books once that I can still talk about Marvel movies even though I haven’t watched one in years lmao. But nowadays things aways come back to politics, specially in the sorry state that my country is in.

        • ButtigiegMineralMap
          22 years ago

          Omg same, I’ve stopped watching TV and Movies almost entirely bc I’ve been working on an ML study guide for myself and others

  • @CriticalResist8A
    2 years ago

    Can we talk about the proximity of our names? It’s been bothering me for a while and frankly I can’t let it slip any longer –

    They are clearly not close enough. You should call yourself CritiGalDesist∞ just to fuck with people lol

  • @TheAnonymouseJoker
    222 years ago

    If you can hear this image, congratulations, that’s me after seeing this post.

  • DankZedong A
    2 years ago

    By far the best social media experience I had. Thank you tankies.

  • Catraism-Stalinism
    202 years ago

    Hands down probably the most positive social media experiences I have had are on this site. Thank you all for making me laugh, keeping me sane, and answering my questions about Marxism Leninism.

          • @bleepingblorp
            22 years ago

            Here, I copy pasted the list, but left out the pics they included because I am lazy and they didn’t carry over with a ctrl + c and ctrl + v. So some of the text comrade @Kirbywithwhip1987@lemmygrad.ml posted won’t make as much sense in my copypasta because I didn’t add context. Maybe chasing the rabbit down the Google hole might add some of these dinos to your own list though.

            1. Velociraptor(actually Utahraptor/Dakotaraptor/Deinonychus/Achilobator) doesn’t matter: they are all just awesome, the fact that they hunted in packs, were vicious killers with their deadly claws, were so fast and agile that someone couldn’t possibly escape from them is just fabulous at the least, truly a six foot turkey… And I don’t know if they could really open unlocked doors tho…

            2. Spinosaurus: it was literally the largest theropod ever, bigger than T-Rex and even Giganotosaurus! It could swim, eat huge fish, hunt larger dinosaurs, hunt on land, hunt in water, just pure badassery!

            3. T-Rex: I don’t really think I need to explain this one…

            4. Dilophosaurus: not small and not too large carnivore with signature crests on it’s head perfectly capable of hunting and killing anything middle-sized creature, it has really grown on me with of course Jurassic Park since I was 3 years old and with ARK in 2015, even without the frill and venom, still totally amazing. If they ever succeed in ressurecting a dinosaur, they really should use Chlamydosaurus lizard DNA on it tho… Baby and fully grown:

            5. Mosasaurus: the biggest marine reptile ever, it hunted other Mosasaurses, sharks, turtles, everything It could get it’s huge jaws on, was 17 meters long!

            6. Pteranodon: bigger than any bird alive today, dive-bombed into the water to eat fish, truly an iconic creature!

            7. Tylosaurus: once again, huge marine reptile,14 meters long and also hunted everything Mosasaurus did, always wanted to have one roaming in Danube!

            8. Compsognathus: just a cute little vicious carnivore fellas that everyone would want as a pet and you should not mess with!

            9. Dimorphodon: very cute little bird from the Jurassic, really has a special place for me and I love it, even if it would probably attack you in an instant lol

            10. Giganotosaurus: literal gigachad of Cretaceous period bigger than T-Rex!

            11. Quetzalcoatlus: biggest bird ever with 12 meters wingspan bigger than my building where I live, what else do you need?

            12. Carnotaurus: a vicious and fast predator with an iconic horns and smol arms!

      • @Binkie55
        72 years ago

        Largest land animals that ever lived amazing

  • ☭CommieWolf☆
    72 years ago

    Much Love Comrades, nothing like an anonymous group of potential CIA agents and legit socialists to discuss stuff with every day <3