From the person who e‐mailed this to me:

The picture painted by the 59 testimonies included in the booklet is clear: the bureaucracy of the occupation isn’t an unwanted side-effect of our military rule but the very basis of the military rule itself. The “bureaucratic violence”, as one testifier calls it - such as that of the permit regime governing movement, construction, land use and much more - is used to continually deepen Israel’s control over the occupied territories and its millions of Palestinian residents, both in the West Bank and in Gaza.

Palestinians are well aware of the bureaucracy that governs every corner of their lives; but the Israeli and international public - less so. That’s why we’ve dedicated our efforts and resources to bringing these issues to light: from the influence the settler movement and its leaders hold over the Civil Administration’s agenda, to the exploitation of the permit regime in order to collectively punish Palestinians; from the airtight control over everyone and everything entering and exiting the Gaza Strip, to the way Palestinians who live and own land in the Seam Zone have to constantly jump through bureaucratic hoops just to access their land. All of this, and more, is covered in our new booklet.

(Emphasis original.)