
Stay mad gamers

    • loathesome dongeater
      43 years ago

      TBH I am pretty sure even in China there is large number of kids hooked up online video games. I don’t have evidence for this though. This is entirely based on a hunch. I wonder how their attitude towards the CPC will be affected by this.

  • @CriticalResist8A
    3 years ago

    Gamers when anything happens in the world: can’t talk i have a raid

    Gamers when video games are the topic: we are the most oppressed minority. In this essay I will…

    E.g. I was linked this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3j7tOp0FSIU where the author doesn’t even know what he wants to talk about. He conflates China with the US and doesn’t even understand the subject matter.