• ☭CommieWolf☆
    192 years ago

    This is some of the most dog whistley bait I’ve seen in a while. I can’t tell if its serious or just intentionally trying to piss people off.

  • JucheBot1988
    192 years ago

    The fuck did I just watch, and why is Lenin in it

  • @whoami
    172 years ago

    christianity? Sorry, already too much of that in the US. “No cancel culture”? Wtf does that even mean.

    • @pinkestonOP
      42 years ago

      They probably meant liberal identity politics

  • @Shrike502
    112 years ago

    TBF, our media did put out a few questionable ads in the past. I.e the one about a “Gay at home” and the one with a gay couple adopting a kid. Both have proved somewhat scandalous, at least among the more western-oriented strata. This could be the kind of tone-deaf crap our taxes pay for.

    Or it could be the work of ЦИПСО, aka the Ukrainian psy ops agency.

      • @Shrike502
        132 years ago

        Центр Информационно-Психологических Специальных Операций - Center for Informational and Psychological Special Operations. Basically troll factory. You know those vids, with Russian warplanes bombing Paris? Or photos of bloodied pregnant women standing for a photoshoot supposedly after Russian missile strike? Or phonecalls on Russian cell phones with a recording of Zelensky blabbering about how we “Must stop the war”? Those guys.

          • @Shrike502
            112 years ago

            You know why YouTube stopped showing ads in Russia? Because they got clogged by that sort of crap and our government wasn’t happy.

  • @carpe_modo
    112 years ago

    “Winter is coming” lol snuck in a game of thrones reference

    • @Shrike502
      52 years ago

      Never read comments on Russian news sites. Regardless of how they swing. Toxic swamp.