come chat, vent about crackers, or share something positive! No crackers allowed!!

  • SexUnderSocialism [she/her]
    9 months ago

    I’ve had this interesting journey of going through visible changes that changed people’s perception of my ethnicity, and it’s happened more than once. I wonder if anyone else had had something similar.

    I’m of mixed Asian and African ancestry, and up until I was 5 years old or so, I looked distinctively Asian. People would call me a Chinese kid. As I got older my facial features changed, and my skin color became darker. I then became known as the local black kid among a sea of cracker. When I transitioned in my 20s and went on estrogen there were major visual changes again. My skin color also became lighter due to the skin thinning on estrogen. This made me visibly go from looking like a black dude to a Latina woman. Nowadays I often get people asking me if I’m from Brazil or Argentina or something.