• knfrmity
    9 months ago

    You’d come to the same conclusions reading any of the history of post Soviet Ukraine and Russia as well as any scientific literature on imperialism. I figured I’d link the TDLR version in case anyone’s interested because political theory reading lists can be hard to get through. If you are interested, Lenin’s Imperialism is a great place to start.

    Russia is categorically not imperialist, again as per the agreed upon definition of imperialism. The political aims (security guarantees and fair economic treatment) of Russia have also been made exceedingly clear for the past two decades and haven’t fundamentally changed, but you won’t hear about it from western media. Even some mainstream US political intellectuals admit to all of this being true.

    The post Maidan Ukranian regime absolutely was on the offensive before the SMO in an attempt to kill all people of Russian heritage within their borders, as well as any who didn’t go along with the fascist plans to sell off all productive infrastructure to the highest bidder and gut worker’s rights. But that’s now played off as a conspiracy theory in the west to manufacture consent for material support of said genocidal regime. Now that the SMO has forced Ukraine into a lend-lease agreement with the US, massive investment firms like Blackrock have bought up most of Ukraine’s productive property and there’s absolutely nothing left for the people - now that’s one of the hallmarks of imperialism.