Would like an OS like Tails OS or Whonix that can install on low end portable hardware and doesn’t need to be booted from external device.

Or would be nice if there was guides to configure one.

  • loathesome dongeater
    2 years ago

    The reason Tails is meant to be booted from a USB is so that it does not persist any data and so that you can use it on any computer, even the ones that are not yours.

    Is that what you want an installed distribution to do? Or are you looking to replicate other aspects of Tails. For example, tor routed network. Because things like this can be configured for any distro.

    • @holdengreenOP
      22 years ago

      just want to have something simple like a small chromebook to be anonymous on, SSD can be AES encrypted and that would be fine

  • nixfreak
    22 years ago

    Low end , probably not… You’re better off just installing tor service and using a ligh weight browser like #qutebrowser and proxy through tor.

    • @holdengreenOP
      12 years ago

      whole system needs to be tor proxied, can’t leak, fully anonymous, fully secured

      • nixfreak
        11 year ago

        Just use proxychains4

  • @mlcolo
    1 year ago

    Removed by mod

    • @holdengreenOP
      2 years ago

      Yeah it needs to install like a normal distro onto an encrypted drive. At the very least maybe I need to dd the live CD onto the drive… And then have persistent storage on an SD card or something. But I already got the drive and don’t got an SD card atm.