(The message after that which is out of view says “you’ve never met a Cuban exile and it SHOWS”) I was arguing with a gusano on Reddit and I was wondering if these claims are specifically debunkable.

  • @redshiftedbrazilian
    2 years ago

    All “proofs” I could find was in a site I never heard of called “Cuba Archive” and in CubaNet, but Cubanet is not trustworthy and recieves funding from NED.

    Also “Cubans shot a boat with kids who fell in the sea and saw their mother be eaten by sharks” really? Looks like a 4 year old trying to write a scary story.

    If this dude has any trustworthy sources I’ll take it back but this seems to be all bullshit

    Edit: I only searched the Owens Delgado claim bc Im low on time and since he gave a name it would be easier to findo info on it.

    • @NikkiB
      52 years ago

      Yeah, it’s kind of amazing how goofy the anti-communist propaganda gets. I like to imagine Castro has a floor that opens up into a shark tank, like in a Bond film. He shouts “gusano!” before he pulls the lever, dropping the unwitting mothers into the waiting jaws of the sharks. Their children are made to watch.

  • @NikkiB
    112 years ago

    This sounds a lot like what I’ve heard about American prisons. Western projection?

    I bothered to find his source. It’s the Cuba Archive, also called the Free Society Project. It is based in Washington DC and was created in 2001. This is their website. Learned about them from the Washington Times.

    This is their description of their Executive Director:

    “Maria C. Werlau. Analyst, consultant, and author of wide-ranging publications on Cuban affairs. She is a former Second Vice President of the Chase Manhattan Bank and has a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University and a Masters in International Relations from Universidad de Chile.”

    Their research director is a “former international executive” who created this website.

    Art imitates life.

  • Ask them to provide proof (or what they consider proof) of these claims first. This person is likely incredibly stubborn and overconfident, and it’s far easier to make up bullshit than to debunk it

    • QueerCommieOP
      102 years ago

      I did, and they just said I was privileged, and they don’t need any evidence because that’s what their gusano grandma said