Steps up onto soapbox

According to Zak Cope in Divided World Divided Class, if the global economy was rearanged equitably income in the global north would drop by an average of 240%. This is a massive barrier to building socialism. Mitigating this problem should be a top priority for communists. If we ignore this we risk failing to build socialism, failing to show international solidarity, and we risk obstructing socialism’s construction around the world.

As unions and labor organizations become more necessary to maintain quality of life in the core, it is of paramount importance that these unions are plugged in to a greater political movement that is based on international solidarity. If all we can achieve is labor organizing that fights for marginal gains for workers in the core, then we fight for maintaining imperialism.

We must find a way to proliferate international proletarian politics into unions and organizations. If we cannot then inevitably we subject ourselves to the revolutionary violence of the proletariat. In Sri Lanka people have taken over and destroyed the Prime Ministers residence while he flees. This is the future of the global north if the course of history continues and if we continue to fool ourselves into thinking we can win the class war by focusing solely on the immediate concerns of workers in the core, and without solidarity with and strict guidance from the global proletariat.

Socialism is often branded as Utopian. As a sort of paradise of justice and equality. As marxists we must destroy this narrative. Socialist revolution will not bring prosperity to Amerika it will bring a death blow and this is the point. Workers in the core that ally themselves with the global proletariat must prepare for survival in a world without imperial and colonial spoils. We must prepare our neighbors and our families. We must not tell people the lies of Utopian socialism or allow the working class to be whitewashed into a class that lives off of the stolen wealth of nations.

  • pinkeston
    2 years ago

    Talking about all this is much easier than actually doing it. Everything you said will take many many years to pull off and stabilize

    America just becoming socialist in the first place would completely crater their economy due to all of their physical good companies crashing and burning into the ground

    Just that by itself will plunge the country into a depression for a while