Although the remilitarization of Japan is a sensitive issue, you can’t expect communism in Japan to defend itself without a strong sovereign military tho?

  • @cfgaussian
    212 years ago

    A remilitarized Japan or Germany would be a horrible idea. Nothing good can come of that. Not until these countries have actual proletarian revolutions, which frankly will not happen any time soon, they are incredibly reactionary societies. I should know, i live in one of them. The notion of “communism in Japan” or Germany for that matter for the moment is pie in the sky. We should base our positions on issues like this on the reality as it exists today not as it may exist in an idealized future. And the reality is they would just do awful things with a military. At least at the moment they are a drain on the US forcing it to devote military resources to maintaining a permanent presence there. And while i would like to see these countries kick the US out and turn against the US, the latter is not likely to happen. If they do re-arm in a significant way they will just become more dangerous and capable enforcers of US imperialism in their respective regions. They will still be politically subservient to US interests.

  • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
    162 years ago

    Do you mean communist party as it is wins an election in capitalist system? No

    If you mean communist party leading revolution and establishing proper dictatorship of the proletariat? Yes, especially if other capitalist states still exist.

  • loathesome dongeater
    2 years ago

    I would but the scenario of the communist party being in power is so far fetched I don’t think it’s worth imagining it.

    • @allinwonderornotOP
      92 years ago

      With the rapid ongoing collapse of Japanese economy, everything is possible.

      • @cfgaussian
        152 years ago

        A resurgence of fascism is more likely.

  • @mylifeforaiur
    142 years ago

    No. They should sign a mutual defense pact with China but should not militarize. The ghost of fascism is too strong here to give it the kind of nationalist legs a strong military provides.

  • stalinsghost☭
    102 years ago

    It must be an inevitability and any communist nation will need to defend it self from bourgeoise imperialism. Japan has a lot of history to apologise for but so does any other country which theyll only be able to do under a dictatorship of the proletariat because the current imperial NATO regime could never

  • @SomeGuy
    2 years ago

    The communist party will not be able to take power through elections. You cannot vote capitalism away. There is nothing to be gained by giving the bourgeois state more guns to use against the revolution.

    Assuming a revolution happens then a red army ofcourse forms to fight the bourgeois apparatus and to defend itself. This is entirely different from remilitarizing Japan as is however.

    • @ledward
      2 years ago

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