Sorry, I meant imperialism day.

Sorry, I meant white settler colonialism day.

Sorry, I meant actively collapsing late stage capitalism day.

Sorry, I meant Canada day.

  • @sinovictorchan
    22 years ago

    Major facts of Canadian war crimes against their indigenous population:

    1. The peak intensity of the Canadian white settler war crimes against native americans is in the 1930s after the first inter-imperialist war in European where they sent in the military to kidnap native american children, enslave the children in fake residential school, and brutally murder children in unethical experiments that later inspired the Nazi Holocaust.

    2. The Canadian government imitates the fake residential schools from the USA that begin their enslavement of children in fake residential schools in 1880s.

    3. The Canadian government closes down their last fake residential school in 1996 and admitted that the fake schools had never provided real education nor childcare. The fake schools are all breeding ground of slavery, unethical experiements on children to further their medical knowledge, murder, and thievery of allowance money and inheritance that the native american parents send to their children.

    4. The canadian government and american government allow nazi scientists to change identity and ‘atone’ for their war crimes in nazi germany under the condition that the former war criminals continue their unethical experiements on indigenous children.

    5. The main purpose of the fake schools is the legal denial of the enslaved children’s right to inherit the property of their parents. In background context, the Canadian government make several treaties that recognize some native american tribes as landowners and white settlers as rent-paying tenants. As the landownership is tied to tribal identity instead of individual ownership, the canadian government ploted to deny the recognition of native american children as member of their respective parent’s tribe through upbringing in a different culture which served as a criteria for tribal de-identification. Although the alleged forced ‘assimilation’ mission in fake residential schools was supposed to raise the enslaved indigenous children under the culture of ‘civilized’ european, the slave drivers raise the children to be authoritarian filthy salvage which is a criteria to deny the children’s tribal identity along with the family inheritance from the tribal identity.

    6. Although the Canadian government did attempts to rob the inheritance of native american children through erasure of their faimily’s cultural that allow them to inherit the land of their parents, the slave drivers still decided to murder the children to rob the family inheritance of the children. The inheritance thievery by murder had resulted in the death of half of the enslaved children during the height of the Canadian war crimes. The slave drivers in the fake schools will not inform the native american parents that theior children died so the slave drivers can continue to rob the allowance money from the parents.

    7. The Canadian government not only use fake schools to remove the native american culture that allow the children to inherit the land of their parents, they also sent the abducted children to white settler parents who often abuse the abducted children. The forced adoption under abusive white settler families began to replace the enslavement in the fake schools during the cold war with the Communist countries.

    8. Murder and ‘disapparance’ of native american children still occurs today, especially against educated diligence hard working successful indigenous women who the fake news framed as lazy alcholic problematic troublesome women.

    9. The ‘indian’ reserve wer originally concentration camps and the territory served to imprison indigenous people until the year of 2000.

    10. The Canadian government now promised to pay compensation for their historic war crimes, but they refuse to mention the full extent of their war crimes and refuse to admit that they are continuing their war crimes against native americans. They are also playing the blame game where they shift the blame onto the Catholic followers and canadian citizens even when the fake residential schools and indigenous children abduction programs are under authoritarian structure where the lower ranking people cannot do anything other than to obey war criminals in the higher rank.

    11. The compensation money that canadian government was supposed to pay as atonement for part of the war crimes often ‘disappeared’ under the management of a white person. The corrupted government officers and racist mainstream news held the native american chiefs as scapegoat for the disappearance of the compensation money.