• Muad'DibberA
    312 years ago

    Nazis did scorched earth, mass killings and mass rapes in eastern europe. When the USSR was finally pushing back in 1942-45, they explicitly gave orders that rape or retaliation against civilians was punishable by death.

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    282 years ago

    Muh rape of 10000 million woman in Berlin even tho every soldier that did crime was shot!!

    • Bungkarnoenjoyer
      112 years ago

      question. did the soviets really punished soldiers that raped womans ?

        • Bungkarnoenjoyer
          72 years ago

          i want source please. whenever ive googled ‘soviet executed war crimes’, its just pure anti-communist neolib propaganda. i want a real source where the soviets did executed war crminals

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    2 years ago

    war crimes are inevitable, but the USSR’s crimes in WWII pale in comparison to that of the other “winners”. The worst they did was some executions of officers. Meanwhile, Dwight D. Eisenhower personally gave the order for German POWs in his prison camps to be starved.

    • @Rafael_Luisi
      202 years ago

      Dont forget the fact the US was ready to use an total of 8 NUCLEAR BOMBS on Japan if they did not surrender after the first 2. And the japanese civilians on concentration camps, the biggest bombardments on cities where all maded by allie countries, mainly by the US. The torture, executions, dehumanization and war crimes did against japan where all made by the US.

  • @Kirbywithwhip1987
    202 years ago

    Also there are literally tens of other countries that did unspekable things in history that they could put on the list, but muh USSR is literally satan!

  • SovereignState
    202 years ago

    prolly talking about Katyn, an execution committed by Nazis and blamed on the Soviets

  • DDR_war_basiert
    62 years ago

    Is there a country that has been at war that didn’t?