So I recently made a post where I said that my uncle was letting avocados go to waste, and some of you said that I should give them away which I think is a good idea. I started thinking about how to do it, and I thought of some ways to do it:

First plan:

  • Go outside and search for homeless people so I know where they usually are to give them avocados later.
  • Ask my uncle to go to the field (and bring a backpack to fill with avocados).
  • Ask if I can keep the avocados with imperfections since they are going to rot anyway.
  • Casually approach homeless person
  • Give avocados

However I see some problems with this plan:

  • I already did the first step but couldn’t find any homeless people.
  • My uncle might not let me get the avocados.
  • The whole getting avocados in a backpack, going outside and when I come back there are no avocados on backpack thing is sussy af.
  • How do you open an avocado without a knife? Or eat it without a spoon?

So I thought of this:

  • Just tell my grandmother that a lot of avocados are going to waste and ask her if we could give them to the poor (she once praised me for giving 5€ to a homeless person and she doesn’t like to waste food, so I don’t think she would say no)

I think the second plan is way less sussy and I would have my family actually backing me up. Also I don’t think they would connect feeding the poor with communism so I don’t think I would be found out as a communist.

What do you think? Should I go with the second plan? Is there an easier way of giving the avocados away? Any advice is appreciated. And thanks for reading!

  • Star Wars Enjoyer A
    2 years ago

    If you have a local homeless shelter or food bank, that’s the best place to donate to imo.

  • @Ottar
    1 year ago

    deleted by creator

  • @holdengreen
    32 years ago

    if you don’t do those things then compost, recycle, feed to something else