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You won’t like hearing this, but video games must become more expensive. When I was little, my dad got me a PlayStation 2 for christmas, but without any games. My mum was very generous and took me out to pick two games for it. They were 60€ each. Nowadays you would call those full-price games. But now, 20 years later, a full-price game is still about 60€. If you correct that for inflation, it should really be 86€ now. And that’s not even covering the fact that games have massively increased in visual fidelity, which is much more expensive to produce. If you don’t want games to be littered with microtransactions or ads, then you have to accept that a regular video game must be at least 90€. (98 USD, 77 GBP, 149 AUD, 134 CAD) #Gaming #GameDev #GameDevelopment #Steam #Inflation #Economy #PlayStation

Can’t wait to buy the next installment of insert sports game here/call of duty for 100 USD base, 200 for the dlc, maybe even 300 for the ultimate deluxe extreme version.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    10 months ago

    In 2001, the AAA game FF10, for the Playstation 2 cost me 60€.

    However, in 2021, I could purchase that same game for a pittance - merely 5€.

    Inconceivably, this game had better game play, a more complete and compelling story line, more hours of game time, and in several instances better graphics than the 60€ equivalent FF15, released a full 15 years later.

    This would suggest that games are actually deflating in price year-over-year, despite suffering from increased DLC and native advertising bloat.

    This is due to a little thing called SUPPLY and DEMAND. You see, the SUPPLY of video games is always increasing. Every year, dozens of new games are published and they all have to compete not only amongst themselves but with ALL PRIOR GAMES. However, the DEMAND for these games is predicated on the number of people who want to pay microtransaction freemium crap, and this pool of buyers is falling as appreciation for vintage classics is on the rise.

    If you simply took a little time to brush up on your ECONOMICS 101, you would realize that this should bring the PRICE of VIDEO GAMES back DOWN. Your claim that games should be increasing in price is both ILLOGICAL and AHISTORICAL, as the market rate for games has been falling consistently over time IN THE FACE OF INFLATION.

    So maybe put that in your PIPE and SMOKE IT.

    • DamarcusArt
      10 months ago

      Don’t you tankies know that supply and demand is when big companies demand I lick their boot and I supply a nice thick layer of saliva?